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Celebrity Endorsements Help Boost cbdMD Sales

Powered by Nature. Enhanced by Science.

Published on October 17, 2019

Cannabidiol, aka CBD, is no longer controversial. The public is becoming increasingly aware of its benefits because of celebrity testimonials and endorsements. In fact, even the legislative actions surrounding recreational marijuana are helping to boost business for retailers that sell CBD products.

cbdMD Incorporated is an online CBD retailer that sells every type of CBD product you can imagine. Their range of products includes bath bombs, tinctures, capsules, topicals, and gummies. Each type of CBD product has its own unique benefits. Tinctures, gummies, and capsules help relax your body from the inside, while bath bombs and topicals heal you from the outside.

As you’ve probably heard, CBD is a natural and healthy alternative to many addictive pain-relieving drugs. That is why a growing number of athletes are taking CBD instead of doctor-prescribed opioids. But now, athletes are not the only celebrities to vouch for the benefits of CBD. Many popular superstars and entertainers have endorsed CBD too. These celebrities include Emma Roberts, Kim Kardashian, Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dogg, and Martha Stewart.

Every generation is starting to enjoy the benefits of CBD, including Generation Z and Baby Boomers. The celebrities they have known and trusted for years are turning them onto it. Out of all the CBD retailers in the United States, the most recognized one is cbdMD. They’ve gotten start-studded endorsements from professional football legends like Johnathan Stewart and Steve Smith, Sr. Other endorsements include professional golfer Bubba Watson and UFC heavyweight champion Quinton Jackson.

Because of their endorsements, consumers have flocked to cbdMD like crazy over the last couple of years. Aspiring athletes that want to turn professional are expected to push themselves to the limit. CBD products from cbdMD have helped dozens of aspiring athletes push through their pain and achieve great success in their sports careers. Most importantly, it allows them to avoid the trap of opioid addiction that so many celebrities and laypeople get into each day.

Some of these celebrities are not just after endorsement deals with cbdMD to make money. They also want to educate the public about the benefits of CBD. Steve Smith, Sr., for instance, sees his partnership with cbdMD as a way to show the public how CBD has benefited him after 16 years of playing professional football in the NFL. Pro golfer Bubba Watson actually uses cbdMD’s products to play better on the field and sleep better at night after a golf game. He even tested their CBD products to ensure they were acceptable by PGA standards.

There are no mind-altering properties whatsoever in cbdMD’s products because they only contain CBD and not THC. Even though they’re both cannabinoids, CBD doesn’t affect the user’s mind as THC does. But it still contains healthy properties from the cannabis plant which are responsible for relieving stress and pain. That is why you don’t get high from consuming CBD. That is also why it is legal, and THC is not.

Between their first and second quarters, cbdMD saw their sales increase to just over $8 million. This was a whopping 42% increase within a single accounting period. Their celebrity endorsements sure seem to be paying off well.

Newsdesk Editor