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Photo courtesy of Compassiviste

Building a Compassionate Society: Is It Possible? Ali Horriyat of the Compassiviste Movement Answers

Published on April 29, 2024

When turning on the news, it is impossible to avoid the barrage of negative stories—robberies, killings, attacks, and disasters. The severity and frequency of these reports can make people feel depressed and question whether there is still room for kindness and empathy in today’s society. For Compassiviste and its founder, Ali Horriyat, the answer is a resounding “yes.” However, a radical shift in perspective and approach is required.

The Evolution of Compassion

Compassion has always been important in societal interactions. With compassion, people often see it as a moral duty to aid those in distress. Today, however, the concept of compassion is changing, influenced by global connectivity and a deeper understanding of diverse human experiences.

Compassiviste’s mission embodies this new paradigm. It aims to create a world where the most vulnerable communities can live safely, in peace and dignity, without fear of racial or religious persecution.

Horriyat says, “Our approach to compassion isn’t simply about immediate relief. We’re integrating sustainable practices that target the long-term well-being of the planet and its people.” This reflects a shift from reactive to proactive compassion, focusing on systemic changes rather than temporary fixes.

Compassiviste’s Definition of Compassion

Compassiviste’s strategy is rooted in the belief that compassion is not a mere emotion. Instead, it requires a collective reevaluation of priorities, a revision of values, and ignition of the path to social and environmental sustainability and harmony.

Compassiviste believes that true compassion goes beyond simply recognizing the needs of others—it begins with personal change. According to Horriyat, awareness of how each of our actions contributes to larger societal issues can inspire behavior shifts that collectively bring about substantial social change.

This redefined notion of compassion emphasizes collective empathy. When numerous people act compassionately, they can achieve significant changes that might otherwise only seem possible through extensive humanitarian efforts.

Horriyat explains, “The size of campaigns or initiatives doesn’t matter. Even small grassroots change can alleviate global challenges and empower communities to become self-sufficient.”

Applying the Concept in the Practical World

Embracing Compassiviste’s new concept of compassion means turning awareness into daily actions through simple yet consistent practices. For instance, bringing a reusable tumbler when ordering coffee, opting for eco-bags over single-use plastics for groceries, or switching from physical books to e-books all help reduce environmental impact. Each choice reflects a commitment to sustainable living and demonstrates how individual responsibility can lead to collective benefits.

Moreover, this new approach extends to community involvement and utilizing personal talents for the greater good. Joining local groups that support impactful causes or using one’s skills to spread compassion can amplify its reach.

Horriyat explains, “We, at Compassiviste, believe that each talent and resource—whether it’s through art and writing at Compassiviste Publishing, via financial means through Compassiviste Foundation, or simply just being part of the global network of change-makers—has its place in expanding the capacity for compassion, making it a tangible reality for many who are suffering.”

A Broader Take on Compassion

Horriyat recognizes that compassion is a subjective concept, varying significantly among individuals or cultures. He sees these diverse interpretations as an opportunity to foster even greater change. The variety of ways in which people show compassion—whether through volunteering, financial donations, or simple acts of kindness—enriches the collective impact of their efforts and helps compassion flourish.

Horriyat and Compassiviste welcome unique perspectives and individual actions. They believe this can lead to more comprehensive and inclusive solutions to societal issues. This philosophy drives their mission of promoting diverse acts of kindness and making compassion possible even in today’s often cruel world. Their approach is a reminder that each small, conscious decision can collectively lead to profound societal transformation.

Newsdesk Editor