The Ritz Herald
Bobbi Vargas

Bobbi Vargas: Where Health and Beauty Meet

Published on May 09, 2023

The Syrian-born make-up artist connoisseur, and entrepreneurial speaker, Bobbi Vargas, has spent the bulk of her career mastering the art of make-up and sales within the industry.

She has made her mark as a make-up artist for A-list celebrities, and as an expert sales representative to designers like Versace, Dolce and Gabbana, and Chanel, to name an impressive few.

In Bobbi’s earlier beginnings, her resilient spirit took her out of a tough childhood and into exciting heights rubbing elbows with the elite. Now she’s using her position to help people achieve their objectives.

Presently, one of Bobbi’s focuses lands on combining her expertise in health and beauty for a comprehensive wellness experience through her brand Bodela.

Too often in today’s ‘hustle culture’, the hectic lifestyle can cause many to lose focus and their health to take a backseat to more tangible pressing matters like financial stability.

Bobbi says that she’s witnessed it many times – people get side-lined at the height of their career when a health issue rears up in a calamitous way, pulling the plug on everything they had worked for.

And that’s why it’s important to have a relationship with health and self-care. These areas are prime for investment to help stave off serious, world-crashing health issues.

With Bodela; the goal is to merge health and beauty care to facilitate a partnership between the two worlds without a need to favor one over the other.

Bobbi says, “In many ways, health and beauty are inextricably linked. Healthy habits and a commitment to self-care can influence how you look and feel. Eating healthy, regular sleep, and daily exercise…all these things can improve, not just your health but how you look.”

The brand’s mission is to highlight the significance of these areas by incorporating them into a daily routine with little hassle. One of Bobbi’s go-to quotes is, “Every man, before he can be a true friend to the world, must be a true friend to himself.”

The natural health and beauty line offered by Bodela features; essential oils, healing crystals, and an array of beauty products.

Bobbi was personally involved in the extensive scientific research that was carried out over the course of a few years to craft the line, and she focuses on using only premium ingredients that live up to the standards of holistic and wellness care.

Other services offered by Bodela include permanent make-up services like microblading, microshading, and ombre brow. For more physical procedures, Body-Sculpting. These beauty services are the ultimate way to trim down the time invested in a daily make-up routine because it frees time up for focusing on important goals like healthier eating.

Bobbi states, “I’m helping women boost their confidence by feeling good about themselves and saving time doing it, which they can use to invest in themselves.”

She continues, “On top of that, we also offer services, like permanent makeup, which can help to transform the lives of breast cancer survivors by creating areolas – also by gifting the busy woman or mother with the convenience of tattooed makeup, you’re allowing them to spend more quality time with their family and friends instead of spending time in front of the mirror. The gift of time is priceless.”

One of Bobbi’s desires is to give back and make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate, and that extends into her brand – a portion of Bodela’s sales will make a direct impact on children in domestic abuse situations by helping provide them with safe shelters and access to resources.

“It’s crucial to invest in others and our community and use my skills to make a difference. We all have something unique to offer which we can use as a vehicle to inspire change.”

As a young girl with a father plagued by substance issues, she and her family were victims of his mood swings that would often end in trips to the hospital or a police station.

From first-hand experience, she is aware of the impact it can have on a young life and mind.

Bobbi Vargas is living proof that you don’t have to be a victim to your circumstances. Using her natural leadership and diverse skill set, she rose to the ranks of the upper echelon of society, and has spent her career in the midst of what some would call one-percenters’.

Now she wants to take her experience and give back by creating awareness around the intrinsic link between health and beauty.

Lifestyle Editor