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Joe Biden speaking at Bloomberg Government. © Bloomberg Industry Group

BGOV Provides Comprehensive, End-To-End Solution for Managing Federal and State Legislation and Regulation

Bloomberg Government announces post-election resources, news, and analysis

Published on November 05, 2020

Bloomberg Government today announced post-election resources for government affairs professionals as they navigate the upcoming Congressional and possible presidential transition. New and updated resources include in-depth news, analysis, directory tools, and more.

Bloomberg Government provides detailed and timely news coverage of Congress and federal agencies. Coupled with analytics and data-driven tools, this intelligence helps policy professionals stay informed and ahead of the curve when it comes to Congressional activity, elections, policy and politics.

Profiles of each new member of Congress are now available to Bloomberg Government customers, along with analysis surrounding key congressional committees. Bloomberg Government’s 2020 post-election resources also include:

  • Election microsite: BGOV’s dedicated hub for election news, webinars, podcasts and presentations on the elections will now focus on the post-election landscape, including election results and transition news.
  • Transition alert: An opt-in email alert for all news and announcements related to the incoming Congress and possible new administration.
  • Directory: The most up-to-date directory of Congressional staff.
  • Webinars: Watch the replay of a discussion with Bloomberg Government election experts Greg Giroux and Kyle Trygstad from earlier today, November 5, covering the biggest surprises and most momentous outcomes of the 2020 elections. Additionally, a November 12 webinar will focus on policy impacts from the 2020 elections in areas including transportation, health care, energy, and budget and appropriations.
  • Podcasts: New episodes of the Downballot Counts podcast will discuss election results and key transition issues.
  • Navigating Washington guide: A comprehensive post-election guide for government affairs professions navigating how election results will impact their job and strategy. To access the guide, click here.

“Bloomberg Government customers have access to the tools, news, and analysis they need to plan for the remainder of this year and for the new Congress,” said Cliff Johnson, Head of Government Affairs Solutions, Bloomberg Government. “Only Bloomberg Government provides a comprehensive, end-to-end solution for managing federal and state legislation and regulation – everything a government affairs professional needs to be successful.”

For more information and to request a demo, click here.

Executive Editor