Bae Juice: The Drink Before You Drink

Published on October 20, 2023

After stumbling upon a South Korean hangover remedy on a trip to Asia, the co-founders of Bae Juice knew they had to share this secret with the world. Over the past three years, Bae Juice has become a successful product in Australia, sold in over 3,500 stores. On the brink of breaking into the American market, Bae Juice is about to become an international sensation.

Co-founders of Bae Juice, Tim and Sumin, thought of the idea when Tim visited Sumin and her family in South Korea. The trip included lots of socializing, which came with lots of drinking. When Tim struggled with his hangovers, Sumin offered him some pear juice. Tim was shocked when the 100% natural juice worked like magic on his heavy hangovers. Sumin explained that her parents always had Korean pear juice around to help cure hangovers. Tim knew he had to bring the product home to Australia. Sumin and Tim began working on the concept for Bae Juice together and pitched it to their friend Liam back in Australia. With Liam on board, the Bae Juice founding team was born.

Bae Juice is still made of 100% natural Korean pear juice. The trio felt like they had found liquid gold. It was a perfect, natural, healthy hangover cure for their lifestyles and soon-to-be customers. If you drink Bae Juice before a night out, you are guaranteed to quickly bounce back the next morning. The Korean pear is a superfood with health benefits like lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. It is also high in antioxidants and fiber. Combined, all these qualities make its juice the perfect hangover cure.

As a startup, Bae Juice aced many typical challenges of a new company. None of the three founders expected to start a business. The former barista, real estate agent, and hairdresser were unprepared for the business world but learned quickly. The road to success was financially and mentally challenging, but the trio was determined to get Bae Juice off the ground. After making a few missteps initially, the team put their product in over 3,500 Australian stores. They recently signed a distribution deal that will put Bae Juice in stores in New York City, taking the product global.

This move into the American market is a massive step toward the company’s goals. The Bae Juice team wants to significantly expand its reach in the US over the next two to three years. They hope to be in 10,000 stores within three years and have distribution throughout California and Texas. Being a household name in Australia and the US is the first step to selling Bae Juice globally.

Bae Juice is already a fixture in many Australians’ going-out routines. Combatting hangovers naturally and healthily is the dream for most young adults, and Bae Juice is here to help. The founding team calls Bae Juice “liquid gold” because the pouch of Korean pear juice lets you have more fun and feel better. Who could resist?

Newsdesk Editor