Australians’ Love Affair With House Cleaning Continues Unabated

Published on February 20, 2023

Australians have a reputation for being one of the world’s cleanest nations, and their love affair with house cleaning is showing no signs of abating. According to a recent survey, house cleaning is one of the top domestic tasks that Australians enjoy the most.

ServiceSeeking’s data stipulates that 367,986 houses and apartments have been cleaned through it’s website alone, with Australians having compared more than 2 million quotes from more than 15,000 house cleaners. The numbers are staggering.

Statista’s 2020 report on house cleaning globally found data on the size of the global household cleaners market, valued at about $34.6 billion dollars in 2020.

In terms of the Australian household cleaning market specifically, a report by Grand View Research states that the Australian household cleaning market size was valued at $1.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.1% from 2021 to 2028.

Hard to find a cleaner 

The pandemic has impacted the international student population in Australia, which may have indirect effects on the availability of house cleaners.

In 2019, international students contributed an estimated $40.3 billion to the Australian economy. As a result of the pandemic, many international students were unable to return to Australia and enroll in universities, leading to a decline in the international student population. For example, as of September 2022, there were 105,600 international students in Victoria, compared to about 155,000 before the pandemic. This decline may have led to a reduction in the number of international students who work as house cleaners.

A study by The Conversation found that the temporary graduate visa, which allows international students to work temporarily in Australia after graduating, attracts many international students. However, the outcomes of this visa are mixed, and many students find it hard to get work in their field. This may result in more international students working in low-skilled jobs, including house cleaning.

Australians now pay more for house cleaning

Australia’s love affair with house cleaning is not just a recent phenomenon. In fact, it’s been going on for generations. The survey found that 79% of those aged 55 and over said they had been cleaning their homes regularly for over 20 years.

The survey also revealed some interesting regional differences in cleaning habits. Western Australians were found to be the most fastidious cleaners, with 62% saying they cleaned their homes every day. Meanwhile, New South Wales residents were the most likely to hire a cleaner, with 37% saying they had paid someone to clean their home in the last year.

The rise of the cleanfluencer has also contributed to Australians’ love of house cleaning. Social media platforms like Instagram have given rise to a new generation of cleaning enthusiasts who share tips, advice and hacks for keeping their homes clean and tidy. Many of these cleanfluencers have large followings, with some boasting hundreds of thousands of followers.

The trend has also been reflected in the rise of cleaning products and services. According to one survey by a company called Molly Maid, 38% of those surveyed said they spent over $100 a month on cleaning products, while 28% had paid for a professional cleaning service in the past year.


The popularity of house cleaning in Australia is unlikely to wane anytime soon. With more people working from home and spending more time indoors, the demand for clean and tidy living spaces is only set to increase.

In conclusion, house cleaning is a deeply ingrained part of Australian culture, and the country’s love affair with it shows no signs of abating. From the rise of the cleanfluencer to the demand for cleaning products and services, the trend looks set to continue for many years to come.

Lifestyle Editor