Artists Get Limited Access to The Show4me Closed Beta Version Prior to Official Release

The Interaction Hub is created especially for all the users of the network to experience the meaningful interaction that changes their sensation of music

Published on March 12, 2019

Show4me is giving artists limited access to the closed Beta version of its next-generation music interaction network. It’s a one-time opportunity for artists to be the first ones to create a professional music business account on the network – Artist club, prior to official launch in April 2019.

“The purpose of pre-launch is to give musicians a taste of the Show4me interactive experience and surf all essential tools that Artist Club offers. It’s time for them to learn how to run a successful music business in a brand-new way or how to level up their already existing music careers. Whatever the goal is, Show4me is here for every artist to make it happen!” said Karėn Chiftalaryan, Show4me Founder.

By signing up, an artist is becoming a part of the global music ecosystem which unites fans, artists and music professionals all on a single interactive network. Now, to build a successful music career, only one professional account is needed, Artist Club, that allows musicians:

  • Build their own music brand with all needed business tools and fanbase accumulated in the all-in-one professional account
  • Step-up their professional music career with Show4me music & concert crowdfunding models and direct-interaction model
  • Turn their fans into true fans with Show4me ground-breaking 1$ annual fan subscription that gives them an opportunity to participate in the music creation process, fund shows, continually interact with and support their favorite artist
  • Connect with all the key influencers in the new music-related ecosystem created especially for the music industry participants.

Minimize the risks that every artist face- unstable low income, unpredictable ticket sales, empty concert halls, canceled shows, lost creative freedom, lack of knowledge on how to promote your music or even how the music business actually works. Show4me gives risk-free and zero-loss way to the artists to build a profitable music business.
If you are an artist, go to to get access to a closed Beta version of the Show4me Music Interaction Network. Become a part of the interaction that changes the sensation of the music business and take control over your own destiny now. Join Show4me.

SOURCE Show4me
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