It’s well-known that hormones regulate all processes in the human body, influencing everything from overall health to mood. Over 50 types of hormones are synthesized in the human body, affecting the daily quality of life.
For a long time, medicine has been trying to learn how to control hormones and discover mechanisms that make them allies in rejuvenation and health improvement. Despite the natural decline in hormone production as we age, there are tools to enhance their production. Primarily, testosterone, estrogen, melatonin, thyroid hormones, and several others decrease with age.
Bio-hacking Endocrinologist & Anti-Aging medicine specialist Dr. Vitaly Osminkin has successfully worked with new technologies that allow people to “tame” their hormones, keeping key bodily processes under control.
Research into the impact of hormones on the body began long ago. American biologist and researcher Gregory Pincus made significant strides in this area in the 1940s. His discoveries were later utilized by pharmaceutical companies to extract and purify progestins and estrogens from plant sources. By 1957, birth control pills were being produced in the U.S. This marked the beginning of hormonal therapy development aimed at improving physical and psychological health and treating endocrine system diseases.
Hormone therapy, also known as replacement therapy, comes in two forms: synthetic and bioidentical. Synthetic hormonal medications include injections, tablets, gels, and other forms. Bioidentical hormones are those in special capsules (pellets) that are similar in composition to natural hormones, and the body recognizes them as its own. These can now be used to treat almost all endocrine system diseases.
The use of bioidentical pellets is indeed an effective technology. As far back as the 1940s, endocrinologist Robert Benjamin Greenblatt published scientific works on this topic. Despite its scientific acceptance, only a small group of specialists worldwide use this method. However, there are notable positive examples of its use: in 2015, The New York Times reported that Angelina Jolie had a bioidentical pellet implanted after undergoing surgeries. She did this to avoid early menopause and maintain her femininity.

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Dr. Vitaliy Osminkin provided more details about this technology: “Bioidentical pellets are microcapsules containing bioidentical substances, injected into the gluteal area. Over six months, they release a special substance in micro-doses daily. A healthy woman produces 0.6-0.7 mg of testosterone daily. After pregnancy, surgeries, or endocrine diseases, testosterone levels drop, causing fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, and cognitive function impairment.
In such cases, a bioidentical testosterone pellet normalizes her condition. Within 1-1.5 months, she will feel more energetic, her muscles will tone up, and her hormonal balance will improve. Bioidentical pellets can address thyroid issues, diabetes, weight loss, and nearly all endocrine system problems. Unlike pills or injections, they do not cause sharp changes in the patient’s condition.”
Taking care of your health is a daily necessity. Don’t wait for a problem to arise that needs solving. It’s much more beneficial to support your body every day in all possible ways.
Society’s perception of what age is considered young is constantly changing. Nowadays, people are looking youthful for longer. Everyone achieves this in their own way—some focus on sports, others on cosmetic procedures.
All of these methods are undoubtedly very beneficial. But in addition, new technologies allow us to harness the body’s internal resources. Health and beauty are in each person’s hands, and achieving great results is possible with regular self-care.
Today, with the right tools, we can extend our lives and maintain a high quality of life—science is doing everything possible to achieve this. Although new technologies are not immediately accessible to a wide range of patients, they gradually become widespread. Nowadays, everyone can choose a suitable way to enhance their quality of life.