The Ritz Herald
© Andrew

Andrew’s Journey to Being a Professional Gamer Began With Being Unsatisfied With Life

Published on February 19, 2021

In 2008, a financial crisis occurred that had been dubbed the Great Recession. While not as bad as the Great Depression, it could have been if major efforts weren’t undertaken to help support the economy. However, millions still lost their jobs while others saw their pensions significantly drop in value. Millennials were especially hard hit, which led many to turn to novel ways of making money. One of those was to become a professional gamer in the world of e-sports.

E-sports usually involve organized multiplayer gaming competitions between professional gamers. These gaming competitions are played either with teams or individually. While competitions are nothing new in the gaming world, they were almost exclusively done on an amateur level. Around the time of the Great Recession, this began to change.

The rise of livestreaming also made professional gaming more possible. Both organized e-sports competitions and livestreaming began becoming lucrative for professional gamers. One of those who began profiting from e-sports was Andrew.

Getting into gaming for Andrew was not due to losing his job during the Great Recession. For him, it was a deep unsatisfaction with what he was doing, and life in general. Working a typical 9-5 job that was a career dead-end and paid less than a living wage was not something Andrew enjoyed. In fact, it made him borderline depressed. Thankfully, he still had the drive to find a way out of the uncomfortable position he was in. That led him to e-sports.

At first, Andrew heard about e-sports because of some chatter about gamers playing in competitions at his local megamall, and getting paid for winning. He began hearing more buzz about it and decided to do his own research. What he learned was that e-sports and professional gaming was becoming a very lucrative and legitimate profession. As he read through everything he could find about e-sports, he realized this could be the future, and a better one for him. He decided to go all in.

Even though he didn’t have much in savings, he made the decision to buy a gaming rig and start practicing and honing his gaming skills. He figured that life couldn’t get much worse for him, so he had little else to lose. That leap of faith and bold decision led to him becoming a multi-millionaire – something that would have never been possible if he lived the same way he was living before.

Today, Andrew helps others unlock their own financial freedom through e-sports. Given just how fun and fulfilling it has been for him, he believes everyone should have the opportunity to turn their passion for gaming into a real-life moneymaker that can even bring in seven figures.

Andrew’s story is proof that taking a big leap can lead to a much better life, especially if you are taking a calculated risk and doing something you love.

Newsdesk Editor