When it comes to helping the sick or injured youngsters in our lives, no one does it better than Dr. Lisa Di Enno. And, it’s not just the kids who are comforted, but the parents, too. Caring for children is hard work at the best of times, which is why having a trusted physician on your side in the most trying moments can make all the difference.

The Curvy Path to Pediatrics
It’s funny how life works. Growing up, you know exactly what you want to be. And then, well, you grow up – and the dream you always had doesn’t seem to fit so well. Instead, you find yourself stumbling into something completely different that makes your heart swell.
Dr. Di Enno has a story like that.
Attending Bryn Mawr College, she made the decision to study literature. As she describes it, though, spending time, “entirely in the company of literature scholars was more than enough to convince me that medical school was where I needed to be.” She will always have a heart for a great work of literature, but she didn’t understand how debating already published stories could contribute, “to the greater good.” And she knew that whatever she did with her life, it needed “to have a real, measurable, and appreciable effect on the people” around her – for the better.
So, med school it was.
Making the smart choice to seek funding for her education, Dr. Di Enno joined the Navy and applied to several med schools. She was accepted to Uniformed Services University of the Health Services (USUHS) and was well on her way to fulfill her dream of working in psychiatry.
Wait, what? Psychiatry? Exactly. That’s not what happened at all!
During her 3rd year of medical school, Dr. Di Enno rotated with her other classmates throughout the various departments in the hospital. She worked in different areas of medicine— from internal medicine to general surgery, to OBGYN —anxious for her psychiatry rotation to start. However, before she got there, she came face to face with the joy, the medical complexity, the universality that is Pediatrics. And it was in that moment – her “A-ha!” moment – that she knew she was right where she needed to be. Pediatrics just fit.

And, as it happens, she was not fond of that Psychiatry rotation at all!
Pediatric SuperPowers
It takes a certain type of person to truly connect with kids. Anyone can be a pediatrician, but to truly succeed in this profession you must have a few key characteristics. And, Dr. Di Enno? She’s definitely got them.
Superpower #1: The ability to be silly at any moment. Kids don’t like being sick. They can get cranky and irritable because they don’t feel well. And, for some, the last thing they want to do is go to the doctor. So, encountering a doctor who is not afraid to be goofy and silly and reach out on their level is priceless. Perhaps this explains why so many kids run up to Dr. Di Enno anywhere they see her!
Superpower #2: The ability to comfort parents. There is no handbook for parenting so we simply have to do the best we can with the knowledge we have. When it comes to various behaviors, ailments, illnesses, and so forth, it is comforting to have someone we can ask those embarrassing questions to. Dr. Di Enno does not care how simple the question or concern, she takes the time to reassure the parents of her patients, while also educating, leading, and guiding them on their parental journey.
Telemedicine is becoming the future of doctor visits primarily for the sake of convenience. No more long waits to get an appointment or sitting in the waiting room. Instead, you can speak face-to-face with a doctor and get the answers you need now – not later.
Superpower #3: Considering “kids” the most rewarding part of the job. As Dr. Di Enno puts it, she knows she is doing something right when she, “can make a genuine connection with a child, making a kid feel better or comforted.” It’s also worth mentioning that Dr. Di Enno also has a passion for halting child abuse and its damaging effects. She says, “I just have a real problem with strong people picking on weaker people.” Superpowers.
Superpower #4: The ability to continue to feel. Some jobs are not easy. Being a pediatrician is one of them. Coming face-to-face with kids in some serious situations or with terminal illnesses means that they may very well die. This is when you can either block the emotions and just go through the motions. Or, you can remain sensitive to life and death and the raw feelings it brings. After all, when you lose sight of these feelings, your heart is no longer in medicine. Dr. Di Enno has encountered these situations, especially during her time in the NICU and PICU. She’ll tell you, “It never gets easier.”
Superpower #5: Relating to kids with special needs. Parents of special needs kids will quickly tell you that doctor interaction is often very trying and difficult. Dr. Di Enno, however, has a soft spot for these children – and it shows in her interaction with them. Parents are often amazed at the bond that can grow between doctor and patient when Dr. Di Enno is involved.

The Future of Pediatrics
So, what does the future hold for pediatric medicine? According to Dr. Di Enno, it is telemedicine. “It’s what is new, it’s next, and it’s what people want.” Of course, she follows this statement up with, “How can I do this safely and appropriately?” Dr. Di Enno sees a lot of patients every week. And she knows that getting an appointment is not always easy. Routine care visits account for a lot of those visits. Telemedicine provides a way for those non-life-threatening cases to be seen without a long delay. It helps comfort a child and eases the worry of the parent.
She realizes that life has obstacles and we can’t always get to the doctor when we need to. Whether it is appointment issues, transportation issues, or schedule conflicts, parents don’t need to be left wondering, “Is this a pink eye? My kid scraped his knee, should I take him for more serious treatment?”
Dr. Di Enno says that telemedicine is simply there to “make life easier.”
Telemedicine is becoming the future of doctor visits primarily for the sake of convenience. No more long waits to get an appointment or sitting in the waiting room. Instead, you can speak face-to-face with a doctor and get the answers you need now – not later.
Primary care physicians have been partaking in this venture, but what about those who specialize in kids? What about the extensive knowledge, expertise, and silliness that can come only from a pediatrician? The tone of doctor visits shouldn’t change just because you are not physically in the office.
And, this is exactly why we are excited about the opening of our new clinic with Dr. Di Enno. She is bringing a light-hearted personality with immense compassion and a true love of children to the world of telemedicine.

As she steps forward and begins to transition into her new journey, Dr. Di Enno wants you to know, “I am just honestly doing the best I can. Let’s just all try to do the very best we can.”
And, that’s all we can ask for.
The clinic is set to open on September 16, 2019. If you would like more information about Dr. Di Enno and her telemedicine practice, please contact her at lisadienno@xpertcare.online