A Recap of Actual Experiences That Further Testifies Amanda Di Midici’s Unique Services Through Soul Pursuits

Published on August 28, 2023

People have many stories of loss and moving on with help from a Medium who offers contact with their departed loved ones and assurances about their well-being. Amanda di Medici is a popular Medium who provides clients with a safe space to converse with their departed loved ones through her site, Soul Pursuits.

As an Evidentiary Medium, Amanda’s approach is characterized by sensitivity, honesty, and directness, as evidenced by the numerous testimonials from her clients. Her work is not just a service but an opportunity to make Soul Pursuits an avenue for those seeking healing and peace.

Clients finding comfort in Soul Pursuits’ services amid grief

In her reading, Amanda needs a few things: the client’s first name, the departed one’s first name, and their relationship. As the connection comes through, Amanda can pass on information that assures the client they are speaking with a departed loved one. It is often descriptions, words, and images, but it can also be a fragrance, a saying, or a song.

In response to how they came to Amanda’s services after experiencing grief, three previous clients shared their experiences.

“Marie” explained that she sought Amanda’s help after exhausting all other options to move on from the traumatic experience of losing her daughter. She shares, “I lost my daughter, and I needed to know something—anything to know she was OK. When I spoke with Amanda, she gave me an answer. It was ‘Taco Tuesday’ – that was all it took, and I knew it already. It had been a ritual for us while my daughter was sick to have her friends over for taco Tuesday. Now that she’s gone, her friends still come for ‘Taco Tuesday.’ There was much more than this, of course, but that is all that I needed to hear for clarity.”

“Joy” also shared her grief of losing her husband to suicide and had tried therapy and medication but was still struggling to move past it. She turned to Amanda’s services for support. She expressed, “Amanda’s approach of explaining things is with insight and sensitivity while being direct and honest. I enjoyed her readings, and her accuracy and encouragement during our sessions became my source of hope and my ability to move on.”

Lastly, “John” expressed feeling confused and wanting to clarify an issue he and his father had been facing when the latter was still alive. This led him to seek Amanda’s assistance for clarity and assurance. He mentions, “During my session with Amanda, I asked her to ask my father, ‘What to do about the tractor.’ Her response was clear as day. ‘F*&k the tractor.’  There was silence afterward, and I started laughing. That is exactly what I thought – ‘F*&k the tractor.’ That was all I needed to know.”

With over thirty years in practice, Amanda has learned to simply pass on the information, never to question or “soften” it. The words that are specific to the caller will come through, and they will be understood, though they may make no sense to her at all. It may be a joke, a saying, them chastising their loved one for not wearing a coat, or something else. According to Amanda, the details let them see that the connection is intended for them.

Giving a sense of hope to Amanda

In Amanda’s 30 years of professional experience, she has witnessed the importance of letting people know their departed loved one is alright. A simple response or message from the departed loved one can be fundamental to dealing with grief and feeling peace.

These clients are just three of many seeking Amanda’s services to help them cope and move forward after experiencing grief, repeatedly proving that her services are authentic and genuine. Whether through a word, a familiar phrase, or even a word of encouragement, Amanda could make clients feel a sense of relief, knowing that their lost loved one was okay.

Amanda mentions, “They need to know that their departed person is OK. Sometimes, they need to know why they did it. They need a resolution that only ‘speaking’ with that person can provide.”

Newsdesk Editor