A Comparative Analysis of Permavoid and Hoensoey – Surface Water Management Systems

Published on October 18, 2023

In the rapidly urbanizing world, surface water management systems have become an integral part of urban infrastructure. These systems not only ensure effective management of rainwater but also help in preventing urban flooding and other rainwater-related issues.

Introduction to Surface Water Management Systems:

Surface water management systems are comprehensive solutions designed to collect, store, and treat rainwater, reducing its impact on urban environments and infrastructure. Typically, these systems comprise rainwater collection devices, storage units, and filtration equipment, ensuring that rainwater is treated appropriately before being released back into the natural cycle.

Role of Permavoid and Hoensoey in the System:

Within this framework, products like Permavoid and Hoensoey play a pivotal role. They primarily serve as temporary storage solutions, ensuring that rainwater is treated appropriately before its release. For these products to function optimally in rainwater management, they must exhibit high durability, stability, and efficiency.

Hoensoey Overview:

Hoensoey, manufactured by Hoensoey Company | China, is hexagonally shaped with a diameter of 500mm. Weighing slightly more than Permavoid at 9.05 kg/sq.m., Hoensoey boasts a compressive load of 80 tons/sq.m. and a maximum load of 133 tons/sq.m. Its connection type is the Shuttle tie, and it comes with built-in connection clips and vertical direction clips.

Permavoid Overview:

Permavoid, crafted by ABT, inc. | USA, is rectangular in shape, measuring 354*708mm. Made from recycled PP, it weighs 9.0 kg/sq.m. Its compressive load stands at 72 tons/sq.m., with a maximum load of 125 tons/sq.m. The connection type for Permavoid is the tapered tie, and it doesn’t come with built-in connection clips or vertical direction clips.

Guidance for Selection:

When deciding between Permavoid and Hoensoey, considering the following factors might be helpful:

  • Ease of Installation: If you’re looking for a product that’s easy to install, Hoensoey might be the better choice due to its very convenient installation process.
  • Load Bearing Capacity: Hoensoey has a higher compressive and maximum load than Permavoid, which might be advantageous for projects that need to bear significant weight.
  • Connectivity and Accessories: Hoensoey offers more connection options and accessories, potentially making it more versatile.
  • Packaging and Transport Convenience: If considering the convenience of product packaging and transportation, Permavoid might be the more suitable choice due to its distinct advantage in this area.

Product Specifications Comparison:

Basic Specifications

Feature Permavoid Cells Hoensoey Cells
Shape Rectangular Hexagonal
Dimensions 354*708mm Diameter: 500mm
Height 85mm/150mm 82mm
Units per sq.m. 4 4.618
Material Recycled PP Recycled PP
Weight 9.0 kg/sq.m. 9.05 kg/sq.m.


Performance & Installation

Feature Permavoid Cells Hoensoey Cells
Compressive Load 72 tons/sq.m. 80 tons/sq.m.
Max Load 125 tons/sq.m. 133 tons/sq.m.
Water Retention Rate 95% 95%
Ease of Installation Moderate Very Convenient
Turn Angle without Cutting 90° Multiples of 15°


Connectivity & Accessories

Feature Permavoid Cells Hoensoey Cells
Connection Type Tapered tie Shuttle tie
Built-in Connection Clip No Yes
Vertical Direction Clip No Yes
Overlap Accessories Yes Yes
Overlap Layers 2 2 or more
Assembly Direction One Direction Any Direction


Additional Information

Feature Permavoid Cells Hoensoey Cells
Packaging & Transport Convenience Very Convenient Moderate
Lifespan 50 years 50 years



Both Hoensoey and Permavoid are excellent solutions for rainwater management, each with its unique features. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the project. If higher load-bearing and installation flexibility are needed, Hoensoey might be the better choice. However, if packaging and transportation convenience are paramount, Permavoid might be more appropriate. Regardless of the choice, both products offer stable and reliable performance for projects.

Learn More:

For more detailed information about Permavoid and Hoensoey, please visit their official websites: Permavoid Official Website and Hoensoey Official Website.

Disclaimer: The data presented in this article is sourced from the internet and is for informational purposes only. While we strive for accuracy, discrepancies may exist. This article is intended to share insights on surface-level stormwater management systems and does not serve as a purchasing guide. For specific needs or inquiries, please directly contact the respective suppliers.

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