The Ritz Herald
Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby holds a press briefing at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., July 2, 2021. © Sgt. Jack Sanders

Austin Approves Plan to Transfer Authority, Retrograde Should be Done by End of August

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III approved a plan to transfer authority from Army Gen. Austin S. Miller to Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie as part of the drawdown process from Afghanistan, Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby said

Published on July 03, 2021

As part of the drawdown process from Afghanistan, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III approved a plan to transfer authority from Army Gen. Austin S. Miller to Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie, Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby said today.

Miller is the commander of U.S. Forces-Afghanistan and the Resolute Support Mission. McKenzie is the commander of U.S. Central Command.

This is all part of the safe and orderly retrograde that will have all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by the end of August — well within President Joe Biden’s order. “We expect that transfer to be effective later this month,” Kirby said. “General Miller will remain in theater in coming weeks to prepare for and to complete the turnover of these duties and responsibilities to General McKenzie.”

Kirby emphasized that McKenzie will retain all existing authorities that Miller currently possesses and commander of U.S. Forces, Afghanistan. “He will continue to exercise authority over the conduct of any and all counterterrorism operations needed to protect the homeland from threats emanating out of Afghanistan, and he will lead U.S. efforts to develop options for the logistical, financial and technical support to Afghan forces once our drawdown is complete.”

This process will allow the United States to maintain a diplomatic presence within Afghanistan, as U.S. and Afghan leaders hash out the new bilateral relationship between the nations. The bottom line for the United States is to ensure Afghanistan never becomes a haven for groups that wish to launch attacks on the homeland.

Austin also approved establishing U.S. Forces Afghanistan to be led by Navy Rear Adm. Peter Vasely in Kabul. Army Brig. Gen. Curtis Buzzard will lead the Defense Security Cooperation Management Office, Afghanistan that will support Vasely.

Buzzard’s office is based in Qatar. That office will provide funding for the Afghan National Defense and Security forces to include over the horizon aircraft maintenance support.

Kirby confirmed U.S. forces have left Bagram Airfield. Kirby called this a key milestone in the drawdown process.

Newsroom Editor