The Ritz Herald
© Dr. Bal Raj

Dr. Bal Raj Shares Tips on How to Prevent Sports Injuries

Published on April 25, 2021

Sports injuries are the worst nightmares to athletes, and no one wishes to get injured. Despite the fear, they are still a common thing across almost all sports. Players are more often urged to exercise lots of caution while in the fields to ensure their safety. But the biggest challenge has always remained unaddressed — as to how they can exercise this caution. Dr. Raj, an experienced sports injuries specialist, sheds light on simple strategies that you can employ to help you at least reduce being prone to injuries.

Dr. Raj is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon both in Canada and the USA with offices in Beverly Hills and Dubai. He is a sought-after sports injuries specialist in joint arthritis and extremity surgery with over 15 years of experience. His holistic approach of east meets west, and the bedside manner makes him stand out in this medical field. The ABC medical news consultant and WebMD primary writer has interacted with various forms of sports injuries and their possible causes and preventive measures. Sports injuries cannot be avoided entirely but can be minimized.

Some of the measures and strategies Dr. Raj advocates include,

  • Proper utilization of protective gears

Make sure you wear the protective gear that is essential for the sport. It is the first measure that you need to adhere to at all times. Such protective gears usually cushion you against injuries you may otherwise get if you did wear them in the first place. Some sports such as baseball, softball, and football require helmets to help reduce the impact of head injuries or concussions.

  • Warm-ups

A warm-up before the start of the sport is important. The essence of a warm-up before the beginning of the sport is to raise the core body temperature. It also helps reduce the stiffness of the connective tissues increasing the stretchability. A warm-up also improves the blood flow to the muscles, increasing their mechanical efficiency. After the warm-up, the body will be ready to handle the game’s intensity and respond swiftly to your movements.

  • Pre- and post-match stretching

Some sports injuries such as tendon strain and muscle tear result due to poor flexibility. It is undoubtedly true that stretching increases your flexibility resulting in a reduced risk of Musculoskeletal injuries. The majority of sports impact the muscles by inflicting pressure that increases the risk of injuries, thus the need to stretch.

  • Keep your body hydrated and healthy

Though it does not directly prevent the injuries, it is a crucial practice that you should follow. Take sports drinks that contain lots of essential nutrients and minerals or water to keep the body replenished. Soft tissue muscles can be damaged as a result of a deficient diet.

  • Observing sufficient recovery period

Excessive training without any rest and recovery sessions is equally toxic to the body. Resting and allowing the body to recover helps replenish the muscle glycogen. It also provides the body tissues time to repair and heal. A cool-down session after a practice or a match will work the magic. Remember, the idea is to allow the heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate to go back to normal levels.

  • Monitor your injury track record

If you are an injury-prone sportsperson, consider keeping a record of your injuries. Some injuries, if not well monitored and taken care of, may develop into chronic ones. Knowing the common cause of your injuries will help you practice that extra caution. 

You can reach out to Dr. Raj on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. He is also available on the official website for his practice.

Staff Writer