The Ritz Herald
© Buggzy Hoffa

Buggzy Hoffa is the Voice of the People With New Single “Pray On”

Published on November 09, 2020

In today’s times, there are a lot of messages going around. There is plenty to say on the pandemic, the economy, racial & equality issues with the results of the election and the future it wields being a major one for people. Buggzy Hoffa adeptly narrates a picture of today’s climate from the perspective of a Black man.

When one listens to the lyrics you get a stark look at the problems in America and the summary of faces that light up our TV, computer, and cell phone screens. Buggzy Hoffa spells out how a simple traffic stop could be fatal. Then you start to think about the faces of people whose lives were cut short at the hands of police such as Elijah Mcclain, Sandra Bland, Rashard Brooks, Philando Castile, and the man whose death brought serious change to America, George Floyd.

Rap music has always been the voice of the streets. Serving as the news from the front lines of real America, not the glossy postcards you find while on vacation. The raw, gritty reality that has children growing up in broken homes with broken people living on broken dreams from a forgotten era that only truly may have existed for just a few people. Where routine traffic has made people become the face of CNN for many nights and even sparking riots across our great country.

“Pray On” could have easily been a gospel record, or a soul record sang by the likes of Sam Cooke. At first glance, you wouldn’t imagine such a record could not only entertain but educate one to the problems faced by Black males. Seemingly to display the very basic core of Black Lives Matter while furthering the true destination we all yearn – a better day.

From the melodic chorus to the pointed verses Buggzy hit the bullseye. From listening to his past work you wouldn’t believe that the same artist who has releases that display more of his fun-loving side with records such as “FireHose” and “HeadBussa”. “Pray On” is the moving grooving type of music with a message that seems all too absent from today’s music scene.

It’s almost refreshing to bob your head and actually listen to something more than a one-word song, or song whose lyrical content is so shallow you choose to enjoy the music and never bother learning the words. It’s been decades since rap has produced records with true social relevance, Buggzy Hoffa may have succeeded with “Pray On”. The best suggestion is to take a listen for yourself.

Newsdesk Editor