The Ritz Herald
Manpreet Singh. © Innokrats, MS Holdings International

Manpreet Singh: A Young and Exemplary Serial Entrepreneur

Published on August 08, 2020

Henry David Thoreau once said, “Success only comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it”. Manpreet Singh is one such model, who is proving that no one can stop you if you want success in your life. 20 years old serial entrepreneur, Manpreet Singh is leaving a huge impact on the budding youngsters to become like him.

A lover of computers and gadgets since the age of 3. He always wanted to be his own boss, that’s why he chose a path that was different from others. At the age of 8, he started studying and gathering information about famous business personalities. At that young age, Manpreet wanted to know everything about how to establish a business on his own.

At the age of 9, he witnessed his father Mr. Suraj Singh’s death due to cancer. Life took a terrible turn after that and Manpreet and his mother had to struggle a lot to survive in this world. At the age of 12, he started developing websites and apps for himself. Later, this took the shape of a business idea and he started generating money from this idea by having clients to make websites and apps for their business. Microsoft’s online resources came handy for him to learn more about the technicalities of all this work. When his friends were busy playing video games, Manpreet was trying to make his life exuberant and extraordinary.

His calculated studies and hard work helped him in getting the recognition by Microsoft India and Microsoft UK. In 2017, he attended 3 Microsoft tech events where he was the youngest in the crowd. Manpreet met Mr. Bikram Singh Multani (founder of Innokrats and partner of Manpreet Singh) in 2018. They both have one thing in common which was to be their own boss. Manpreet Singh Co-Founded Innokrats with Bikram Singh Multani (during his school’s last year) at a young age of 18. Innokrats is a tech company focused on Network Attached Storage devices. Later on, Manpreet relocated to the United Kingdom to complete his further studies where he made good contacts with people from different backgrounds and countries. Soon, he started getting recognized as a young entrepreneur by many media companies.

This serial entrepreneur is working in the tech sector, real-estate sector, food tech, and sustainable fashion industry. In 2020, he is planning to launch a company in the USA under the name V-Carte with his partner Bikram Singh Multani (Bikram Singh Multani focuses on the development of the products and Business structure while Manpreet Singh focuses on Public Relations, Branding and Marketing of the companies). Through V-Carte, they are planning to launch contactless business cards to reduce the wastage of paper-based business cards. Moreover, soon they’d be launching a Food-Tech company in London after the Covid-19 among many other projects under research and development. They are also working with celebrities and other entrepreneurs.

Just 20 years old, Manpreet Singh has achieved quite a lot in his life already. But does that make him stop? No. Manpreet Singh still puts the same effort and energy in his work like he used to do in his struggling years. He recommends the youth and young entrepreneurs to never stop learning. One should learn from their own failures. Manpreet Singh is also aiming to support budding entrepreneurs in different aspects and industries.

Newsdesk Editor