The Ritz Herald
PHOTO CREDIT: Together with Colgate, Nicole and Michael Phelps teach their family to turn off the faucet when brushing their teeth which can save up to 64 glasses of water each time

Michael Phelps Continues As Global Ambassador Of Colgate’s “Save Water” Conservation Effort With Behavior-Change Tips

Turning Off the Tap While Brushing Teeth Can Save 64 Glasses of Water

Published on April 24, 2019

On Earth Day 2019, Colgate announced its continued partnership with one of the greatest swimmers of all time, Michael Phelps, who serves as global ambassador for the brand’s ongoing “Save Water” initiative. The campaign message is simple: small acts like turning off the tap when brushing your teeth can cumulatively save massive amounts of water as well as the energy required to treat water and pipe it into people’s homes.

Swimming champion and water conservation supporter Michael Phelps raises awareness about turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth with Colgate

Colgate products are found in two out of every three homes in the world, and almost all of them require water use. “Given that our brand is found in more households than any other brand in the world, Colgate is uniquely positioned to lead in water conservation and promote conservation,” says JoAnne Murphy, Director of Retail Category Development, U.S.

While Colgate continues to make significant strides in reducing the amount of water and energy it uses to make and distribute products, 90 percent of its water footprint comes from consumer use. While the U.S. uses more water per person than any other country in the world, 130 million Americans live with severe water scarcity1 at least one month per year. More than that, 1.7 million lack running tap water or a flushable toilet in their homes.

Michael Phelps teaches son Boomer (2) to turn off the faucet when brushing his teeth in support of Colgate’s Save Water program

World-champion swimmer Phelps, Colgate’s global water ambassador since 2017, says, “I am often asked about my keys to success in the pool and people are surprised to hear how much I talk about doing all the small things as part of my preparation that ultimately have a big impact on performance. The same applies to this important “Save Water” campaign as the more we can all practice small behavior changes like turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, the bigger collective impact we can make in conserving our water usage.” According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, just turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth for two minutes can save about 64 glasses of water.

Phelps and Colgate encouraged people to learn more, share the message, and save water on Earth Day and every day by:

  • Taking the Save Water pledge at
  • Sharing their own water-saving tips on social media and tagging #EveryDropCounts
  • Following Colgate and the Phelps Family on social media for news, tips and encouragement

SOURCE Colgate-Palmolive
Senior Writer