In the enchanting and historic English city of Newcastle, a buzz erupted as actor and producer Enzo Zelocchi was spotted chatting to fans on the set of his latest movie, Virginia Woolf’s Night & Day. The romantic atmosphere of this storied urban location provided the perfect backdrop for both a celebrity encounter and director Tina Gharavi’s upcoming star-studded comedy based on 20th-Century author Woolf’s most hilarious novel.
Here, Italian-American social media icon and rising Hollywood star Zelocchi provided a chance to gain insight into how he spends his time on location when away from his home base in Los Angeles—collaborating with cast and crew, diving into imaginative storytelling, and keeping himself in prime shape for the camera.
Thanks to social media, today’s movie fans can not only enjoy their favorite cinema, but also explore the behind-the-scenes wizardry that brings each movie into being. For a pop-culture figure like Zelocchi, inviting followers beyond the frame and into his day-to-day world has allowed him to amass an online audience of over 28 million, demonstrating that today’s streamers and cinema-goers have a more veracious appetite for the arts than ever.
Shared Journeys into the World of Cinema
Zelocchi has often shared how working in the film business is all about honoring people and the sense of connection that we all find through the movies and shows that we treasure. He’s not only quick to celebrate his fans in interviews, but always takes the time to praise his industry colleagues. During the filming of Virginia Woolf’s Night & Day, the actor paused to post to his Instagram followers, “This great cast and a wonderful crew is making magic!”
Such a compassionate outlook on life also feeds into the actor’s self-care rituals, which travel with him wherever he’s working in the world. While a new set and filming schedule will dictate when Zelocchi needs to be in the makeup chair and living his passion for the camera, nothing will stop the star getting in his evening workout at a nearby gym and keeping his nutrition dialed in. Case in point, while the English weather wasn’t ideal for outdoor exercise, Zelocchi was still spotted in sports gear with a smoothie in hand near the hush-hush Newcastle filming location.
Enzo Zelocchi Joins All-Star Cast and Production Team for Virgina Woolf Feature
For the Viriginia Wolf period drama, Zelocchi brings the handsome character of Hubert Basnet to life among a glittering cast that includes lead actor Haley Bennett as head-strong astronomer Katherine Hilbery, alongside Jennifer Saunders, Lily Allen, Jack Whitehall, Elyas M’Barek, and Timothy Spall in further supporting roles.
True to form, Zelocchi’s responsibilities have called for more of his talent during the production of Virginia Woolf’s Night & Day. After wrapping on location, Zelocchi will continue to serve BAFTA-nominated Gharavi and production companies Asterisk Films, Filmhedge, Glisk, M.Y.R.A. Entertainment, Piccadilly Pictures, and WestEnd Films as a veteran executive producer. This marks his second turn in the production team for a historical feature film in recent times following Matthew Brown’s masterpiece Freud’s Last Session starring Academy Award-winner Anthony Hopkins, distributed by Sony Pictures Classics and Vertigo Films.
For the latest news on Enzo Zelocchi’s upcoming projects and more, find the actor on all your go-to social media channels via