The Ritz Herald
© Richard McElley

Anchor State Investments: Testimonials of Financial Success

Published on October 04, 2024

In today’s financial environment, uncertainty and mistrust are ever-present. Yet, standing as a paragon of honorable business practices is Anchor State Investments, a people-first real estate firm founded by former marine Christopher Aubin.

Having started its success with run-of-the-mill property rehabilitation, Anchor State Investments later branched into financial education. Aubin states that these initiatives are aimed at better helping his surrounding community, providing knowledge and financial opportunities for those overlooked by larger financial institutions.

Christopher Aubin’s work has had a verifiably positive impact, as evidenced by the uplifting testimonials and reviews found throughout his client base. From families finally affording their dream home to buyers otherwise locked out of the financial system, Anchor State Investments has opened its doors to all.

From Skepticism to Success: The Anchor State Journey

When Brandon F . and his wife first heard about Anchor State Investments, he was understandably wary. After all, the real estate industry had been rocked by allegations of schemes and fraudulent practices.

I’d read about companies promising the moon and delivering nothing but heartache,” Brandon recalls. “But something about Anchor State felt different.

As Brandon would discover, that difference lay in Anchor State’s focus on transparency and client education.

CEO Christopher Aubin explains, “We’re not here to make a quick buck. Our mission is to give our clients the knowledge and opportunities that traditional lenders don’t. I have many brothers and sisters who can’t get a loan because a hospitalization or accident damaged their credit score. It’s injustice at the systemic level.

This prioritization of human welfare has paid dividends. In 2023, Anchor State helped rehabilitate over 100 homes helping families achieve homeownership through its connection of lenders, with an average interest rate of 1.5% lower than the national average. More importantly, 90% of these borrowers reported feeling more financially secure and capable as homeowners.

Building Trust in a Skeptical Market

Today’s real estate market is characterized by trust, something hard-earned yet easily lost. Over the years, Anchor State has built a reputation for integrity and results.

We’ve faced our share of skepticism,” Aubin admits. “But we’ve always believed that the truth speaks for itself. Our books are open, our processes are transparent, and our results are real.

Indeed, Anchor State’s policy of transparency has been integral to winning over even the most skeptical clients. The company regularly hosts financial literacy workshops, invites clients to tour their rehabilitated properties, and provides detailed breakdowns of how investor funds are used.

This openness has not gone unnoticed. In a recent survey, 95% of Anchor State clients reported feeling “fully informed and confident” about their investments, starkly contrasting the industry average of just 60%.

The Ripple Effect: Community Impact and Future Growth

Contrary to many assumptions, Anchor State’s success is not measured in dollars and cents. Instead, the company gauges its metrics on rehabilitating distressed properties and their impact on local communities.

We’re not house flippers,” Aubin notes. “We want to be community-builders. It’s my life’s goal to create opportunities for families who might otherwise be priced out of the market.

This has resonated with investors and homeowners alike. Ryan B., an entrepreneur who faced great difficulty acquiring a traditional business loan, states, “After dealing with different agencies, I was getting frustrated with the time everything was taking. Worse, the requirements they were asking for kept broadening, bordering on invasive. I was then introduced to Anchor State and will never go elsewhere.

From a strictly financial standpoint, Anchor State is expected to see significant growth. The company plans to expand its efforts to five additional states by the end of 2025, potentially aiding thousands more families.

With the U.S. housing market projected to need an additional 2.5 million affordable homes by 2025, Anchor State’s model of rehabilitation and fair financing is more relevant than ever. Aubin says it best: “As the company’s founder, I would be more excited. The truth is, I wish we weren’t needed at all. There’s a serious crisis going on, and Anchor State is doing everything it can to help those affected. I hope my fellow citizens can rest assured that we’re ready to help in any way possible.

Testimonial from anchor state site:

Business Editor