McKinzie J. Scott Joins Edoardo Miranda and Artie Shaw Jr. in Hulu Advertisement Supporting Legal Aid Society’s #Right2RemainSilent Act

Legal Aid Society launches powerful ad on Hulu championing #Right2RemainSilent Act

Published on July 24, 2024

In an empowering new advertisement aired on Hulu, the Legal Aid Society champions the passage of the #Right2RemainSilent Act, a pivotal piece of legislation aimed at making New York State a fairer place for children and young people. This act mandates that all youth under 18 must consult with an attorney before being interrogated by law enforcement, ensuring their constitutional right to remain silent is upheld. At the forefront of this compelling campaign is 18-year-old actor McKinzie J. Scott, alongside esteemed actors Edoardo Miranda and Artie Shaw Jr.

McKinzie J. Scott, a rising star in the acting world, brings a fresh and impactful presence to the advertisement. His involvement underscores the importance of this legislation in protecting vulnerable youth, especially those who may not have the means to secure private legal counsel. Scott’s performance is heartfelt and persuasive, highlighting the critical need for this reform.

The advertisement opens with a powerful montage of young faces, each representing New York State’s diverse youth. Scott’s voiceover begins by narrating the story of countless children who find themselves in intimidating situations with law enforcement, often without the guidance of a legal professional. His words resonate deeply: “It wasn’t me. What’d they want me to say? I just want to go home.”

Edoardo Miranda and Artie Shaw Jr. join Scott in the ad as detectives in this cruel system. Together, they create a compelling narrative emphasizing the disparity in legal protection for children from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Miranda, known for his powerful performances, demonstrates a message, while Shaw Jr.’s seasoned presence brings an element of trust and authority.

Scott’s involvement is particularly significant. As a young actor, he represents the demographic directly impacted by this legislation. His genuine delivery and emotional connection to the material make the ad not just a call to action but a heartfelt plea for justice. Scott amplifies the campaign’s reach, drawing attention from a wider audience and inspiring young people to advocate for their rights.

McKinzie J. Scott Joins Edoardo Miranda and Artie Shaw Jr. in Hulu Advertisement Supporting Legal Aid Society’s #Right2RemainSilent Act


The #Right2RemainSilent Act is more than just a legal reform; it is a step toward ensuring that every child, regardless of their background, has access to the protections they deserve. By mandating attorney consultations before police interrogations, the act seeks to prevent coerced confessions and ensure that minors fully understand their rights.

In conclusion, the Hulu advertisement featuring McKinzie J. Scott, Edoardo Miranda, and Artie Shaw Jr. is a powerful testament to the necessity of the #Right2RemainSilent Act. Scott’s impactful performance, combined with Miranda and Shaw Jr.’s seasoned support, brings crucial attention to this legislation. The Legal Aid Society’s campaign is a vital step towards creating a more just and equitable system for all children and young people in New York State.

Culture Editor