The Ritz Herald
Photo courtesy of Ryan Crittenden

From Army Veteran to Coaching Visionary: Ryan Crittenden’s Inspiring Journey to Industry Leadership

Published on June 19, 2024

Colorado Springs’ beautiful scenery is the perfect backdrop for XL Coaching and Development headquarters, a service-disabled veteran-owned company. A disciplined Army veteran turned coach, Ryan Crittenden leads the coaching and consulting company in challenging and transforming corporate leadership norms.

Empowering Leaders Through Strength-Based Coaching

Crittenden’s transition from the rigorous discipline of military service to the creative corridors of corporate America marks a profound evolution of his leadership philosophy. Reflecting on his time in the service, Crittenden notes, “Leadership is fundamentally about understanding your team—recognizing individual strengths and knowing how to support each person’s growth effectively.”

Crittenden’s mission is to help leaders identify, embrace, and use their unique strengths. Such a desire stems from his personal experience of consistently finding himself in leadership roles where he felt pressured to conform to others’ expectations, which often led to feelings of inadequacy. “It breaks my heart to see leaders burn out and quit. It’s not that they cannot lead or are not smart enough. It’s simply because they do not know their strengths, love them, or even use them. That is why I am here; my mission is to remind them they are already enough,” he shares.

This insight led him to employ the “Strengths Foundations” program. A flagship of Crittendens’ coaching, it helps corporate teams and individuals amplify their distinct talents and creates a foundation for exceptional organizational success and personal development. In this program, he guides leaders to take their goals to the next level by building on their strengths’ foundation.

Customizing Excellence in a Corporate Coaching

The demand for personalized leadership development in corporate coaching has substantially risen in 2023. XL Coaching and Development has distinguished itself by providing customized coaching experiences that align with clients’ needs and ambitions.

“Our programs are designed to blend smoothly with the existing dynamics of each team, guaranteeing immediate improvements as well as sustained success,” explains Crittenden. This approach has led to impressive outcomes, with clients experiencing up to a 30% increase in productivity and a 40% improvement in leadership effectiveness in just six months.

However, this level of tailored coaching comes with its challenges, as noted by an industry expert: “While the benefits of personalized coaching are clear, it requires a significant investment of both time and resources, which may not be viable for every organization.” This highlights the need for companies to carefully assess their capabilities and goals when considering such intensive coaching programs.

Inspiring Expansive Change Beyond Metrics

Peering into the future with optimism and resolve, Crittenden anticipates continuous leadership development. “We’re on the brink of a major change, one that fully embraces the complex nature of human potential,” he states. His vision extends beyond conventional performance metrics; he aspires to cultivate leaders who excel in their roles and inspire profound, lasting change within their teams and the larger community.

Clients eloquently attest to the impact of Crittenden’s coaching methods. One client describes the effect: “Ryan is an amazing strengths and leadership coach! His futuristic ideas, responsible nature, and deep relationship skills helped me see myself as I really am, leverage my strengths at work, home, and play, and achieve the next level of success in my career.”

Another client notes, “Ryan’s insights and strategies have redefined our leadership and team dynamics. His compassion and thoughtfulness brought about substantial improvements in our productivity and the overall culture of our workplace.”

Crittenden’s journey from an army combat veteran to a leadership coach illustrates the transformative impact of empathetic, strategic leadership on corporate culture and personal growth. His story lends insights into what leading and thriving in today’s world entails. Indeed, truly inspiring leadership ignites deep and enduring change.

Newsdesk Editor