Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Koko Face Yoga’s Sleep Tape™

Published on November 30, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and demanding schedules are the norm, achieving quality sleep has become a quest for many. This need has led to the rise of innovative sleep aids, among which Koko Face Yoga’s Sleep Tape™ stands out. This mouth tape offers a unique solution that aligns with the body’s natural healing processes during sleep.

Created by the Japanese face yoga and beauty expert Koko Hayashi, this skincare product emphasizes the benefits of mouth taping during sleep. Hayashi believes that by fostering a deeper, more restful sleep, the Sleep Tape™ indirectly aids skin rejuvenation and overall health. Hayashi dives deep into how their mouth tape works and how people can maximize its benefits to achieve younger-looking skin and a healthier body.

A Natural Beauty Solution

Koko Face Yoga’s Sleep Tape™ finds its roots in a deeply personal journey of Hayashi. Following a plastic surgery mishap at 27, the CIDESCO-licensed beauty expert embarked on a quest for natural beauty solutions, eventually creating her eponymous brand, Koko Face Yoga, centered around holistic facial wellness techniques.

“The plastic surgery failure was a wake-up call for me,” Hayashi shares. “It made me realize the importance of natural approaches to beauty and wellness, like face yoga, which later became the cornerstone of my brand.”

Inspired by the Japanese Fumiko Takatsu, Koko Face Yoga embodies a philosophy that advocates for natural, non-invasive methods for beauty enhancement, pivoting away from invasive procedures and synthetic solutions. The brand has always promoted overall wellness, fusing ancient yoga methods with modern skin science to achieve a youthful glow through gentle care. This vision led to the innovative creation of Koko Face Yoga’s Sleep Tape™.

Made Perfectly for the Skin

The specifics of Koko Face Yoga’s Sleep Tape™ reveal a thoughtful design and composition to maximize user comfort and efficacy. Hayashi elaborates that their mouth tape is crafted with the utmost care for skin sensitivity, choosing hypoallergenic, latex-free material originally developed for healing scars, ensuring it’s gentle on the skin. This attention to detail reflects the brand’s commitment to quality and user experience.

The mouth tape’s distinctive grip pattern is engineered to gently yet effectively keep the mouth closed during sleep, promoting nasal breathing, which is essential for a restful night and overall well-being.

Hayashi mentions, “We wanted to create a product that fits seamlessly into any nighttime routine, without hassle. That’s why our Sleep Tape™ is designed for easy application and removal. With no residue left behind, it is perfect for those always on the go.”

The blend of skin-friendly materials and a practical design enhances the sleep experience and aligns with the modern consumer’s desire for effective and convenient beauty solutions.

Reaping the Sleep Tape™’s Benefits

Hayashi takes pride that Koko Face Yoga’s Sleep Tape™ is more than just an aid for better sleep, but a multifaceted tool for enhancing overall facial health and aesthetics. Ensuring the mouth remains closed during sleep maintains the face’s moisture and prevents the stretching of facial skin (skin stress), which is often a cause of sagging over time. This contributes significantly to maintaining a youthful and healthy skin appearance.

At the same time, the Koko Face Yoga’s Sleep Tape™ promotes correct tongue posture, tongue up and flat against the palate, for facial aesthetics. According to Hayashi, this not only helps achieve a more defined jawline and reduces the appearance of a double chin but also supports the overall structure of the face.

“With the mouth closed, facilitated by our Sleep Tape™, achieving and maintaining this optimal tongue posture becomes much simpler,” she adds.

Additionally, the mouth tape promotes nasal breathing, which is vital to enhancing overall health. Nasal breathing, done through sleep tape, increases the production of Nitric oxide, a naturally occurring compound that improves blood circulation and aids in lymphatic drainage. For Hayashi, it is like a facial massage while sleeping.

She adds, “It looks like just a small thing or something without benefit, yet in reality, it presents a myriad of skin and health value, one that is done naturally, at one’s most comfortable time.”

Seeing the Bigger Picture

While Koko Face Yoga’s Sleep Tape™ offers an innovative and effective solution for enhancing health and beauty, it’s essential to recognize that it is not a standalone solution but a complementary boost to a holistic approach. Integrating the tape into nighttime wellness habits like meditation, skin routines, and stress management will amplify its advantages.

Hayashi mentions, “Think of the Koko Face Yoga’s Sleep Tape™as a booster to your health and beauty regimen. The key to sustained results lies in a comprehensive approach.”

Newsdesk Editor