The Ritz Herald
Eugene Baiste

This Industry ‘No Name’ Claims to Change the World of Astrology!

Who is Eugene Baiste (Digi X) and how is he about to change the way we see traditional horoscopes, numerology, and human design?

Published on November 18, 2023

You might know Eugene Baiste by his work as a producer in motion picture and animation with brands like Old Spice, Nike (Air Jordan), Starbucks, Cactus Jack, Lexus; artists and celebrities like Travis Scott, Paris Hilton, Chris Brown, Russ, Khabib Nurmagomedov and others. While we got used to seeing Eugene Baiste in the artistic field, a few years ago his career took a wild turn… From my perspective, it looks a little irrational and risky. I had a chat with Eugene to get his first hand opinion on why he thinks he is about to change our approach to communicating with the stars.

I’ll jump right to the question! What makes you think you can do what you claim you can do?

If you want a simple answer, I built something that allows you to talk to your stars directly and ask them any question, any time! No human guide needed!

Sounds intriguing, but what does it actually mean? What is that “something”?

Okay, let me go back a few steps. Besides being in the production world, I was always interested in building “perfect systems”. That’s when you create something that can sustain itself, learn, and perform independently. To put it simply, I became interested in digital start-ups, building applications.

Back in 2019, I already saw endless possibilities with data learning techniques, so I started collecting data and building my own AI robot to work with it. It just happened to be that I randomly started loading “the machine” with lots of astrology-related materials including books, articles, transcripts, and mathematical data. I did it purely for a reason because I had access to mind-blowing amounts of resources from 12th-century antique materials to hardcore mathematical data from university professors.

Just for the record, I was the biggest skeptic when it came to astrology. I never paid too much attention or believed in it. However, I resonated with every single word I got from the machine we created; it really changed my view on things. Now I know it’s a science! It has logic and patterns we can predict and work with.

That’s another ‘WOW” from me. What is this “machine,” how can we experience it?

It’s a Mystery;) We now call it “AI Zodiac” and you can experience it in the form of a mobile application. You can claim your Early Bird Access at As I said, the most interesting thing about the app is that you can ask your stars any question and get an accurate, instant answer based on your astrological data!

Thank you for the answer, Eugene! What made you risk your successful career as a producer to try something out of your niche?

I was getting too comfortable where I was. Also, as I said, I was just trying new things I truly love…and AI Zodiac just happened, unintentionally! We created something really impressive and it needs to be shared with the world!

Is this just a good sales pitch, Eugene, or do you truly mean it?

Hah, that’s a good one! Well, you don’t have to pay to try AI Zodiac. However, we indeed offer subscriptions to cover cloud costs, developers’ salaries, etc. We indeed make money, busted!

Since we started talking about money. How do you sponsor your projects? We know projects like these can be very expensive to develop. Do you have investors?

At this point, I’m carrying this project by myself and I don’t really welcome any investors at this phase. As a founder, I have a clear vision of the project and I need a monopoly on all decision-making processes at this particular time. Otherwise, this project will never become a reality.

How much money have you invested so far?

Well over 6 figures.

Do you know, as they say, that if you’re a serial entrepreneur, that means it didn’t work out with the business they had previously? How would you comment on that?

I agree, I’m a loser! Ha-ha… To be serious, I think it really depends. In my case, I never stopped working with 50 Stars (, just this year alone we worked on projects for Old Spice, Nike, G/Fore, so we’re bigger than ever. I think we’re on the track to work on our first Super Bowl commercial next year! So, I think it’s not really applicable to me, but thank you for asking;)

Thank you for your time and insights, Eugene.

As our conversation came to a close, I was struck by Eugene’s blend of passion and pragmatism. In the world of start-ups and digital innovation, his journey from a successful producer to an astrology app developer is unconventional, to say the least. Yet, Eugene Baiste embodies the spirit of a true innovator – willing to pivot, take risks, and explore uncharted territories with a blend of skepticism and belief.

Whether AI Zodiac will revolutionize our understanding of astrology or simply add a new dimension to it remains to be seen.

Lifestyle Editor