How Does HR Address Issues of Diversity and Inclusion in the Modern Workplace?

Published on October 17, 2023

Diversity and inclusion are issues that are growing in importance in modern workplaces today. The good news? Our awareness of these concepts has enabled many progressive companies to develop HR strategies to not only recognize but also address these issues.

As such, Human Resources strategies to foster inclusion, tolerance and acceptance in our increasingly diverse workplaces have become essential. To learn more about diversity and inclusion in the modern workplace, and how HR addresses these issues, just read on!

Educating Ourselves: Learning About Diversity and Inclusion in Modern Workplaces

If you’re keen to learn more about diversity and inclusion in the modern workplace, and perhaps more importantly, how HR addresses these issues – the good news is that you can complete a variety of higher education courses to educate yourself on the concept. A highly recommended pathway that enables individuals to gain knowledge in this area is to complete a Graduate Diploma in Human Resources online. As part of this type of degree, students learn about the key themes and central concepts of HR – including the management of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Another way to learn about how modern workplaces can and should address issues of diversity and inclusion is to conduct your own research. There are a multitude of online resources, forums and academic papers that can be accessed to inform oneself on the topic further. Importantly, issues of diversity and inclusion – while they are increasing in visibility and awareness today – are not completely new concepts. As such, a great deal of research on the topic has already been undertaken and can contribute immensely to one’s knowledge of the area when consumed.

Addressing the Problem: What are the Diversity and Inclusion Issues Modern Workplaces Face?

One of the biggest issues facing workplaces today is how to incorporate diversity and inclusion into company culture. Importantly, today’s modern and progressive workplace is encouraged to employ talent from various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, as well as different and varied walks of life. This, in turn, fosters diversity in the workplace, and also, brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and cultural variety to the organization through the individuals hired.

Controversially, one key concept around increasing diversity in the workplace has historically involved affirmative action. Of course, this is a highly contentious issue, with opposers of affirmative action arguing that candidates should be rewarded based on their merit. However, the argument for affirmative action would suggest that this process enables opportunities for minority groups, as well as underprivileged and more marginalized members of society  – individuals who may not otherwise be afforded the same resources, opportunities, or education and career pathways as others.

Reaching a Solution: How Does Human Resources Solve Issues of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace?

To make a workplace more diverse and inclusive, there are several Human Resources strategies a company or organization can employ. These can include:

  • Developing company training programs to educate staff about diversity
  • Encouraging and recognizing different cultural and religious holidays and allowing employees to celebrate these
  • Fostering a culture of tolerance, acceptance and inclusion for all employees
  • Establishing a rigid, company-wide anti-bullying policy
  • Creating an open forum in which company staff feel comfortable sharing their feedback with their managers and peers

Most importantly, the promotion of diversity and inclusion in the workplace requires both the company heads (such as the CEO, General Manager, and other upper managerial staff) and, indeed, all company employees, to remain open-minded about others. This includes being both tolerant and accepting of the cultural beliefs, traditions, and persuasions of other employees, as well as their individuality. It is only by keeping an open mind and learning about others around us that diversity and inclusion can be fostered and promoted.

Undoubtedly, how an organization’s Human Resources department addresses issues of diversity and inclusion speaks volumes about their company culture. To foster a company culture that is inclusive, tolerant and accepting, there needs to be considerable weight placed on developing HR strategies that tackle these issues head-on. The good news is that many progressive workplaces are engaging in these strategies today – enabling company cultures that are welcoming, inclusive, and in which employees from all backgrounds feel safe and accepted.

Business Editor