Love is Something Special

Published on April 30, 2023

The test of love is usually how much someone can show you. And in this modern world, is it still possible to show it, without compromising ourselves by simply falling? Relationships are a fifty-fifty gamble. Every approach is either a direct hit, or a strong miss. Yet, some don’t like comparing it to a game of chance, or comparing something so delicate that is love to a game. However, love seems to prevail in all its glory. But, why? The imperative question is, when will you know if someone truly loves you?

Love, like breathing, is ingrained in us all. It dates back to centuries and can be traced back to ancient empires. It is featured in modern movies to television shows, advertisements showing us what love can entail, from music to books, that the concept of what it means to fall, and to be in love is generally hard to define. There are levels to love after all. The first love, some are so lucky, and only know this. The second love, some are grateful, this level is achievable. Third love, some are thankful, it still exists. Fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on. It gets to a point that you either call it love, or it isn’t love at all and just somebody holding on.

Here comes “IT’S POEMS WITH THE ONE”– LOAN, a poetry book that details the narrative of love; in its sweetest moments, to its most shattering break, that very few talk about, but know how it feels. Getting a glimpse of the messiness that is feared and dreaded. The joys of pure happiness. The feels. The recovery. Yes, the necessary recovery! Every stage is important to build upon, and hopefully makes a better person for themselves and others. Someone, more capable of love from each instance and experience. Always, remember, it is brave to fall in love and be loved.

The poetry ebook itself is one hundred pages long with original artwork and photography that was also created by the author. Each poem is individually written and arranged with little quirks like all the poems start with one, or the letter I. Most people rarely notice that detail just like the price of the ebook at 9.87 US dollars and gives some clues to who the artist is. Essentially, a fictional tale, but as you read that you can clearly see real people in these pages: from someone you might know, or a past lover that slighted you, and can never be mentioned again. Of course, it can also bring a smile to you and make you think of someone that makes you smile. It’s the smile! Reading poetry is different for everyone and each poem can connect with someones’ current state of mind at any given time. The experience is different for everyone, but universally, all relatable.

Is this just another poetry ebook on love? Yes and no. Maybe, all things written, or spoken is poetry. It’s up to you to decide for yourself on that matter. I challenge you to pick it up and share it, because something remarkable happens when you do: you essentially are a part of the chain reaction that gives back to various charities and organizations from your purchases! Not many people can say that they’re making a difference in this world by simply reading, especially, reading poetry.

Now, are you convinced that love is something special? It shouldn’t surprise anyone that book two is on the way. The writer has been busy finishing up and assembling the pieces necessary to make it unique and magical. Thank you for reading and hope you have someone to love. If you don’t; love yourself till then, and know you’re fully enough, because you’re already made of love.

Lifestyle Editor