This AI Assistant is Easing the Pains of Sales Teams Worldwide

Published on March 17, 2023

The life of a salesperson can be overwhelming. Between prospecting for new clients and hitting sales targets, the pressures to keep up with their KPIs is oftentimes insurmountable. On top of all of this, salespeople are bogged down with administrative tasks that eat up their time and can make them counterproductive.

In fact, according to recent statistics, an average salesperson spends more than two-thirds of their time dealing with non-revenue generating activities. This means that they can only dedicate 33% of their weekly schedule to their prospects and selling. This is a startling fact that should be taken seriously by sales organizations.

The most common non-revenue generating activities that salespeople face are tedious tasks such as data entry, filling out reports, and scheduling meetings. While these tasks are necessary for the smooth functioning of a sales department, they can be incredibly time-consuming.

Multitasking is often touted as the solution to getting more done in less time. However, research shows that multitasking can actually be counterproductive. When salespeople are juggling multiple tasks, their focus is divided, and they are less productive overall. Instead of getting more done, multitasking can lead to more mistakes, increased stress, and decreased job satisfaction.

Furthermore, the time spent on administrative tasks can lead to burnout, which can negatively impact the mental health and well-being of salespeople. As a product of prolonged stress, and mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, burning out causes salespeople to be less motivated, less productive, and more likely to leave their jobs.

To avoid burnout and improve productivity, sales organizations should consider streamlining administrative tasks and using automation tools. For example, customer relationship management (CRM) software can help salespeople manage their client relationships, automate follow-up emails, and track sales activities. Additionally, automation tools such as chatbots and email responders can handle routine inquiries, freeing up salespeople’s time to focus on more important tasks.

A great example of a tool that leverages AI to fill this void is Winn.AI. Established in November 2021 by Eldad Postan Koren, a sales tech entrepreneur, and Bar Haleva, a cybersecurity expert, Winn.AI provides a real-time AI assistant that employs novel tracking, capturing, and CRM updating features to assist sales teams in closing more deals with less difficulty. The real-time assistant from Winn.AI serves as an additional set of hands during meetings, enabling salespeople to concentrate fully on the customer.

Real-Time Playbook Tracking

Winn.AI’s Real-Time Playbook Tracking enables sales reps to either create their own playbook or customize one from the platform. As users engage in conversations, the tool tracks the talking points that have been covered and those that are still outstanding. The goal is to help users maintain focus on their customers, reduce unnecessary communication, stay on schedule, and capture real-time data.

In essence, this feature allows sales teams to have a more organized and efficient conversation with their customers. With Winn.AI, reps can ensure that they don’t miss any critical details while avoiding unnecessary back-and-forth. Furthermore, the tool helps users stay on pace and eliminates distractions, ensuring that conversations are productive and fruitful. Lastly, the real-time data capture feature provides up-to-date information that can help teams make informed decisions.

Less Time in the CRM

Winn.AI reduces the amount of time salespeople spend on CRM by automating the process of capturing and importing prospect data. This eliminates the tedious and time-consuming aspects of sales, allowing salespeople to focus on more productive tasks such as scheduling more meetings.

The platform automates the process of capturing prospect responses, so salespeople don’t have to waste time manually entering data into the CRM. Additionally, the automated process ensures that CRM hygiene is maintained without the need for any extra effort from salespeople.

Finally, Winn.AI enables salespeople to send customized follow-up emails with just one click. This feature saves time and ensures that prospects receive personalized and relevant communications, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Newsdesk Editor