Interview With Andrew Ha of HB Entertainment

Andrew Ha is a creative entrepreneur, philanthropist, and real estate investor

Published on August 02, 2022

Andrew Ha is the founder of HB Entertainment. HB Entertainment has hosted over 120+ events throughout California & Texas. HB Entertainment is dedicated to serving student communities & non-profit organizations and has fundraised over six figures while curating the most unique shows & unforgettable experiences!

Andrew and his brothers have always been natural performers and would perform as “Ha Brothers”’ as breakdancers at their local community festivals and dance competitions and help fundraise for nonprofits when they were in high school.

Their journey as Ha Brothers and personal values translate into all of their work and personality, which is why they have dedicated themselves to empowering the communities they surround themselves with.

Interview With Andrew Ha of HB Entertainment

Andrew Ha’s platform that he has created with HB Entertainment believes everything he has experienced in his entire life has led him up to this point to serve his higher purpose and will continue to foster love & positivity in his community and empower as many people as he can through HB Entertainment & TEAMHB.

What sets him apart is that he is a first-generation Asian American and wants to break the current stigma of Asians in the entertainment industry and have more representation for their minority group. This is why he dedicates every single day to become the best version of himself in every possible way. Physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually.

His hobbies and talents that are unique include Breakdancing, High Energy DJ performances, Calisthenics Workouts, and Empowering others.

HB Entertainment is dedicated to empowering student communities and aspiring creatives; TEAMHB has provided a platform of experience and opportunities by coordinating music festivals, nightclub events, and custom fundraisers for millennials and gen z students since 2017.

The HB Entertainment community has fundraised over $150,000 for non-profit communities collaborating with over 120+ student organizations ranging from cultural orgs, dance teams, fraternities, sororities, and other entities from 25+ college universities across California and Texas.

HB Entertainments’ simple philosophy was founded on the basic principle of empowering students to serve students.

Interview With Andrew Ha of HB Entertainment

Can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today? You can include as little or as much detail as you’d like.

I founded my company, HB entertainment, by pursuing my passion as a DJ; my brothers and I have always been natural performers, and we’d perform as “Ha Brothers”’ as breakdancers at our local community festivals and dance competitions and help fundraise for nonprofit when we were in high school. When we transitioned into college, we picked up DJing as a hobby and did gigs at house parties and community events, but nothing too crazy.

After attending our first music festival, we fell in love with the scene and aspired to play on the bigger stages.

It was challenging for us to secure any shows because we were “nobodies” in the industry, even though we were confident in our talents and we’d bring out a big crowd to support us due to all the different communities we were affiliated with of since high school and were really fortunate enough to have multiple big supportive friend groups that believed in us.

This was quite frustrating that there weren’t many opportunities for young aspiring DJs and artists starting off. So I decided to drop out of school and dedicate a year of extensive networking and working two jobs to save up enough money to rent out my first venue for one night and curated my first show in San Diego that completely sold out!

Not only were we able to perform our first headline show that we curated, but at the same time, we were able to help all the communities involved fundraise and provide opportunities to empower our DJ friends with their first industry show as well! This was by far one of the most fulfilling experiences, and since 2017, we’ve curated over 120+ live shows in 8 cities and have provided a platform for student communities to fundraise over $175,000 in total.

HB Entertainment is dedicated to continuing to curate some of the most unique experiences and opportunities to empower aspiring creatives & student communities through our live shows and events.

Our company values are Community, Experience, and Opportunity; our simple philosophy was founded on the basic principle of empowering students to serve students.

Has it been a smooth road? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?

It definitely was not a smooth road, and we had a lot of adversity we had to overcome along our journey.

In the beginning, I didn’t really have the support of my parents. Growing up in a traditional Asian family, you can imagine what they said when I told them I was gonna drop out of college to become a DJ. I was also the eldest brother in my family, so I had a lot of expectations from my parents to lead by example for my little brothers. It took a lot of courage for me to really believe in myself to pursue something I was really passionate about; I just had a strong intuition that this was my calling toward my higher purpose.

At the end of the day, I know my parents’ intentions were all out of love, and they just wanted what they thought was best for me. And I’m really honored that they are now understanding and proud of all my achievements.

I have also met a couple of different people in the industry that really deceived me and took advantage of my kindness and platform for their own hidden agenda. I’ve learned a lot working with many different people, and now I only work with partners that align with my personal values that will help serve the mission of our company.

I understand that this is all a part of the process, and I’m definitely grateful for all of the experiences, good and bad, because I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for all those adversity I had to overcome.

We’d love to learn more about your work. What do you do, what do you specialize in, what are you known for, etc.? What are you most proud of? What sets you apart from others?

I am a Creative Entrepreneur, philanthropist, and real estate investor.

I believe my superpower is honestly being the eldest brother, I have four little brothers which I truly unconditionally love, and they are a big part of who I am today; Ha Brothers was something our friends always labeled us as growing up in school cause we would always do everything together and go everywhere together, till this day. We breakdanced multiple shows together as Ha Brothers, we performed as DJs as Ha Brothers & built that reputation in multiple different communities. I believe these values translate into all of my work and personality, which is why I’m so dedicated to empowering the communities I surround myself with, stems from my being a big brother and caretaker since I’ve been doing this my entire life!

I’m proud of the platform that I’ve created with HB Entertainment because I believe everything I experienced in my entire life has led me up to this point to serve my higher purpose, and I will continue spreading love & positivity to my community and empower as many people as I can through my platform.

What sets me apart is that I am first generation Asian American and I want to break the current stigma of Asians in the entertainment industry and have more representation for our minority group. This is why I dedicate every single day to becoming the best version of myself in every possible way. Physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually.

The hobbies and talents that are unique to me are Breakdancing, High Energy DJ performance, Calisthenics Workouts, and Empowering others.

How can people work with you, collaborate with you, or support you?

They can apply to join TEAMHB at or follow us on Instagram @andrewsangha and @hbentertainme.

Lifestyle Editor