Real Estate Platform Paradyme is Helping Investors Make Wise Real Estate Investments

Published on July 20, 2022

Trillions of dollars are invested in real estate each year, and an increasing number of Americans are trying to get a piece of the action.

In a recent poll, Americans chose real estate as their preferred investment option, garnering 28% of the vote, ahead of stocks and cash investments. Unfortunately, very few people are able to invest in and profit from real estate.

Real estate may have produced more wealth than any other industry, but people still remain skeptical about entering into the fray. Most think that they need to start with some sort of capital, but that is not always the case.

Changing the real estate landscape

When it comes to making money in real estate investing, there are only a handful of ways to do it. Though the concepts are simple to understand, do not be fooled into thinking they can be easily implemented and executed.

The good news is: there are companies that make real estate investments easily accessible to anyone, whether you are a novice or an experienced investor. Real estate platforms also help to keep estate agents honest, commission fees down, and more money in the consumer’s pockets.

CEO and Founder Ryan Garland aims to change the real estate investment landscape through the Paradyme platform, enabling all levels of investors to get involved in several investment vehicles and diversify their portfolios.

Fulfilling the mission

Through Paradyme, investors have the opportunity to diversify funds through various asset classes such as hospitality, storage, and recession-resistant multi-family developments.

Our mission is to develop a platform that greatly increases the value of investors’ portfolios and to create investments that are accessible to everyone,” says Garland.

On top of the diversification of investments through equity, Paradyme also offers its $100M debt fund that’s structured mainly to hedge investors’ capital against inflation. The program releases quarterly dividends to investors, with an 8.5% potential annual return without the required lock-up period normally found in other investment vehicles.

Paradyme can put investors’ interests first by working with cities and meeting the financial needs of developers and contractors. Paradyme is built on lifelong investor relationships and its investments have a five- to seven-year term, while others have two- to three-year terms. Investors typically roll over previous gains into new Paradyme opportunities.

Could Paradyme become the best real estate investment platform?

The firm’s dedication to monitoring shifting market trends and collecting data, ensuring and providing investors with the best decisions possible and the utmost security, has resulted in Paradyme’s ability to stay on top of shifting markets and provide an 18% average annual return to its investors.

This certain level of success was made possible with the assistance of the firm’s top-notch and in-house attorneys and CPAs, who brought their expertise in their field to help Paradyme identify and maximize investment opportunities.

Paradyme is also deeply invested in the latest technologies. The firm uses cutting-edge technology to create a user-friendly platform for new and experienced investors. The firm’s platform allows investors to track all their investments online, providing transparency and peace of mind.

While there are no guarantees in any kind of investment vehicle, Paradyme goes to great lengths to make the industry accessible, mitigate risks, handle market shifts, and adapt to the ever-evolving market.

Newsroom Editor