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Ecom With Us: The Leaders of Amazon Automation

Published on May 16, 2022

Alex Baha and Daniel Coronel continue to pave new frontiers within the online e-commerce ecosystem. They have both built an empire of resources revolving around Amazon, Shopify, and Walmart Automation with their agency, “Ecom With Us.” Both at only 22 years of age, the two entrepreneurs have endured an impressive portfolio while working with these online platforms. Most notably, Amazon.

You may have heard your family, friends, and peers raving about the potential of Amazon FBM. If not, chances are you have purchased a product directly through Amazon’s platform. It is no surprise that anyone who takes the time to learn the intricacies of Amazon’s guidelines will be rewarded for their diligence.

As Amazon continues to prove its presence, many individuals have started to sell products on its platform in hopes of achieving prosperity and affluence. Although Amazon is a public company, not everyone has the opportunity to become an Amazon seller. The Ecom With Us team has over 5 years of experience within the Amazon FBM realm. As a result of their tireless efforts, Alex and Daniel have decided to spread their knowledge to help their clients acquire true and sustainable income.

Ecom With Us: The Leaders of Amazon Automation

Daniel Coronel

Seeing immediate results itself is not passive in any way. Their team is composed of Amazon leaders who have over 5 years of experience in the respective market. In fact, becoming a profitable Amazon seller is one of the most challenging dropshipping platforms out there. This is due to the competitiveness and the amount of work you need to put in, in order to succeed. You can expect to earn around $6,000-$8,000 revenue the first month on your store if its new and around $20,000-40,000+ on an old account if you are being managed by Ecom With Us.

It definitely helps that the two have 5 years of experience with online automation. However, when asking Alexander and Daniel how they have managed to overcome this obstacle, we have discovered that the process is not as challenging as one may think. The breakdown goes like this:

Firstly, a potential Amazon seller must obtain an LLC with their business. This is primarily used as a way for Amazon to exclude sellers who lack qualified credentials. Next, a potential seller must obtain a bank account strictly for their Amazon business. Lastly, the individual must complete the Amazon Seller Central application. This process is fairly straightforward but it does not take into account any of the labor work involved on the backend of successfully managing an Amazon seller store.

After the applicant has successfully opened their Amazon seller account, they must conduct thorough research to sell the “right” products. Well, how do you do this? Sellers must qualify with vendors via Amazon’s seller policies in order to ensure they do not have their accounts revoked. It is in the seller’s best interest to avoid having their seller status removed, as it is challenging to revive their accounts. Aside from this, a seller must be experienced with effective product/competitor analysis. This is the deciding point of the seller’s store success. Alexander and Daniel prioritize maintaining perfect account standings because that is the core of a store’s success.

While a majority of individuals focus their efforts on generating more conversions, they will tend to neglect the labor work that is involved to reach that threshold. Ecom With Us has 10 backend team members who update and work on your Amazon store.

Ecom With Us: The Leaders of Amazon Automation

Alexander Baha

Their automation service includes the following:

  • Customer Support (returns, questions, reviews, and more)
  • Product Research (product analysis, market analysis, competitor analysis)
  • Product Fulfillment (inventory updates, ordering products, and more)
  • Account Management (Manage your overall account, provide you with revenue/expense sheet)

Essentially, you are not required to have any previous hands-on experience to have them manage your new account. In most cases, many rising entrepreneurs are just getting their feet wet with the idea of starting their own company. The Ecom with Us team will gladly walk you through this process, whether this is your first or tenth business. They also work with Amazon stores that already have a history of sales. Additionally, you will have direct communicative access with their Head of Operations. In order to effectively communicate with their clients, Alex and Daniel create personalized group chats that allow their clients to be informed on all updates relating to their Amazon store.

Sellers must qualify with vendors via Amazon’s seller policies in order to ensure they do not have their accounts revoked. It is in the seller’s best interest to avoid having their seller status removed, as it is challenging to revive their accounts. Aside from this, a seller must be experienced with effective product/competitor analysis. Alexander and Daniel prioritize these elements, as they are the core of a successful Amazon store.

Ecom With Us isn’t like any other type of automation agency. They truly care for their client’s stores and appreciate the long-lasting relationships they build with their clients. While having their team manage your Amazon account, you can expect to always have 100% attention and hard work being performed. The care, commitment, and personalized experience they establish is unmatched.

As one of the leaders in Shopify automation, they are headed to become the kingpin of Amazon FBM.

While the founders of Ecom With Us have earned over $18,500,050 worth of sales just on Amazon alone, they continue to assist aspiring entrepreneurs along their journey. To get in contact with Alex and Daniel, visit their website at!

*Make sure to set up a call with the team prior to making any investment. You must fulfill certain criteria in order to become a qualified Amazon seller.

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