The Ritz Herald
King of Oneself team behind the project

Experience a Utility-First and Community-Driven Future of NFTs With The King of Oneself

Published on March 05, 2022

Anyone with an interest in cryptocurrency or digital art knows that NFTs are currently taking the world by storm.

Marketplaces such as OpenSea mean that up-and-coming artists can sell their digital pieces to potential buyers, a purchase that is logged and authenticated on cryptocurrency blockchains.

Experience a Utility-First and Community-Driven Future of NFTs with The King of Oneself

The King of Oneself is an exclusive collection of 10,000 unique NFT lions. With each piece hand drawn, meticulously detailed, and algorithmically generated, these lions stand proud and tall.

So if you’re an appreciator of art and the finer things in life, the 130+ hand drawn traits will satisfy the inner art collector within you. Owning one of the lions is a unique experience because each comes with unique traits and a trackable history of its own.

In other words, the King of Oneself is every art collector’s dream come true. But, at the same time, it is so much more. Keep scrolling to find out how this exciting new NFT collection packs a knockout punch power and delivers on its promise of an elevated NFT experience.

1. Go Beyond Aesthetics with Powerful Utilities

We know how badass our lions look. But pretty aesthetics and fancy JPEGs are not the only thing we’re offering. At King of Oneself, you’ll find a wide variety of utilities, the list of which will keep growing over time.

For instance, we’ve already set our sights on launching an NFT staking program to allow members to earn our in-house tokens. What can you do with these tokens? For starters, you can buy our official merchandise like the KO hoodies presented to you by our team (yup, these are the fine folks bringing your next favorite NFT collection to life!):

As dope as our merchandise looks, we’ll have other ways to spend your tokens. We’re already exploring the possibility of launching a Queens of Oneself collection with a ferocious lioness that you’ll be able to acquire with your tokens. This will also open up the possibility for breeding adorable cub NFTs.

Another exciting feature that we’re working on is the weekly ether giveaway raffle. Every Sunday, we’ll distribute 10% of the weekly resale profits (royalty payments) to 3 lucky winners. So you’re getting not one but 52 chances every year to win some ETH for holding your NFT lion.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list by any means. We have many solid plans in the pipeline that we will reveal in future updates. So when you invest in the King of Oneself, holding becomes a lot easier because you will get so many rewards at every step of the journey!

2. Join a Community of Likeminded Individuals

Community is at the heart of everything KO (King of Oneself) stands for. Imagine a light tower in the middle of a sea, attracting like-minded individuals from afar and offering a safe haven for them to nurture mutually-beneficial partnerships. That’s exactly the kind of community we’re going to create.

From Discord to social media to real-world and even metaverse events, you’ll get plenty of opportunities to become part of the KO family and uplift each other. Not only will you get to connect with people who get you, but you’ll also get the chance to share your journey’s highlights with everyone.

With proper moderation and lots of encouragement, we’ll create an inclusive environment where all our members can get their voices heard, speak their truth, and have shared moments that are worth remembering.
Furthermore, we’ll put our community (again, people like yourself) in the driver’s seat of this project. By letting you vote on future developments, together we’ll create a truly community-driven project.

3. Participate in Exciting Events

While making positive returns for our members is a top priority, we’re also working on offering fun and exciting events that will make the journey that much better for you.

For instance, as soon as we hit 100% of the mint, we’ll give away a Tesla 3 to one lucky guy or gal from our community. This lucky someone will be picked transparently and fairly using Chainlink VRF, a project that ensures giveaways are 100% legit and impartial.

However, that giveaway is only the beginning. Starting from this year and continuing every year, we’ll take four lucky winners on an all-expense-covered trip to Fiji to attend a live Tony Robbins event. And we’ll do it in style with VIP access and many fun activities planned.

On top of that, we’ll acquire land in popular metaverse platforms like Decentraland and Sandbox to build out virtual spaces to have some exciting events in the meta realms too.

4. Experience the Wonders of Compound Growth

While the decentralized finance world is bold and new, we have many examples from traditional finance to learn from. Most businesses and organizations grow to unfathomable sizes and heights of success because of one thing: they keep reinvesting to keep growing.

With the King of Oneself, our philosophy is the same. We don’t want to take the profits and sail off to early retirement. We’re on a mission to create the most impactful NFT project on the planet. And we’re going to make this happy by reinvesting a big portion of the profits into growing this brand and this community.

Apart from future NFT projects that we talked about earlier, we have plans to expand the team with renowned specialists, invest in large scale marketing campaigns, and continue our exploration of emerging phenomena like the metaverse so our holders are always profiting off of the edge of innovation.

Best of all, we’ll make these happen while offering a remarkably affordable entry into our ecosystem to all users with a fair NFT mint price. For more details on pricing and launch, be sure to connect with us on social media and stay tuned for updates:

Newsroom Editor