The Ritz Herald
© Idahome Solar

Idahome Solar Makes Transition to Solar Fast and Easy

Published on October 13, 2021

Environmentally conscious people make their choices based on the belief that even one’s minute contribution to a cleaner planet will make the difference. On top of that consideration, the economics of an electric vehicle or a house solar power installation may tip the balance in favor of a greener option. Whereas buying an EV is almost a no-brainer with little if any unknowns, the decision to switch to solar power is a more complex transition fraught with many technical and financial questions. To buy or to lease, who will service the equipment, and many more. Some solar power systems providers do a good job explaining the process; some are not that good and, in worst cases, only care about selling the hardware. However, in Idaho, homeowners are lucky to have Idahome Solar, the turn-key provider of state-of-the-art solar panels, installation, long-term service, and maintenance.

Until recently, most Idaho homeowners who installed solar panels were left with little if any support after the installation. Idahome Solar, founded in 2018 in Bose, Idaho, by Tyler Grange, not only makes the switch to solar and the transition smooth, it provides a comprehensive follow-up service for years to come. Idahome Solar’s mission, as Grange defines it is that “solar power should be accessible to everyone.” Moreover, Idahome makes homeowners’ decision-making easy by waiving the downpayment. With zero down, its customers have to pay a monthly flat rate the size of an average electricity bill. “With a utility bill, the price goes up and down depending on usage,” Grange says. “But with solar, instead you’re not paying for consumption, you’re paying for your solar panel equipment. At Idahome Solar, we’re flipping someone’s liability into an asset.” As a result, besides switching to a sustainable energy source, homeowners see their homes’ value increase since homes with solar power equipment sell at a premium.

As the share of solar power generation in the US is growing by almost 40% a year and shows no signs of abating, Idahome Solar is superbly positioned to serve the Idaho community of those eager to do the switch. With 25 years of company team’s experience in the solar power industry, Idahome Solar remains the trusted and reliable sustainable energy provider to its fellow homeowners. For more information on Idahome Solar, visit their website.

Newsdesk Editor