Becoming a parent is one of the most amazing things you’ll ever experience. However, it can also be one of the most overwhelming and exhausting challenges you will take on in your lifetime. When you bring your new baby home for the first time, you realize that it’s up to you to meet each and every one of your baby’s needs. What can be even more stressful is realizing just how many needs your baby has in their first few months of life.
When caring for a newborn, it can feel natural to let your needs take a backseat. But doing this for too long can lead to burnout, which can affect how well you are able to care for your family and yourself. If you need tips on improving your well-being as a new mother, look no further. Here are seven tips on how to better care for yourself as a new mom.
1. Be Kind to Yourself With Editorialist

The first thing you need to do to improve your well-being is simple but easier said than done. Give yourself credit for all the hard work you’re doing while not feeling bad about taking time for yourself. Mom guilt is a real thing, and there are some societal expectations that you’ll be a supermom 24/7.
The first step to improving your well-being is letting these expectations go. As we mentioned, burnout can happen quickly, and it can prevent you from being able to perform your tasks as a mom without feeling resentful or angry.
If you start to feel overwhelmed, ask your partner or a trusted friend to watch your baby for the night so you can have some time to feel like yourself again. Take this time to participate in activities that make you happy. This can be anything from shopping to a spa night to drinks with friends. You could even buy yourself a luxury product like something in Editorialist’s Replica perfume dossier. It can even be something as simple as an uninterrupted nap or shower. The important thing is to make time to do things that recharge your batteries so you can put your all into being a mom.
2. Be Independent With BabyBuddha

Moms who breastfeed have a few more challenges when spending time away from their babies. If you are the source of your baby’s nutrition, it can be normal to feel like you can’t be away from your newborn for any length of time—but this just isn’t realistic.
BabyBuddha created one of the world’s smallest hands-free breast pumps, so you can ensure that your partner or babysitter can feed your baby while you take some time for yourself. A good quality breast pump makes all the difference in being independent with a newborn.
3. Make Time for Nutrition With Help From Blue Apron
Eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet is crucial in the days after you’ve given birth. Your body is recovering from a major event, and you should treat it as such. If you’re breastfeeding your baby, your nutrition is even more important. Good nutrition will also keep your energy up and boost your mood, so emphasize lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs and include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your daily routine.
If you are seeing this before your baby is born, here are some ways you can prepare to maintain a healthy diet when you’re home with your new little one:
- Keeping an abundance of snacks around your home will be key to keeping up with calories while you’re breastfeeding. Make sure to allow yourself snacks when you feel hungry, and don’t deprive yourself of nutrients. Some of us are keen to lose the baby weight, but the health of yourself and your infant is more important than aesthetics. Choose snacks that are high in protein and healthy fats, and don’t be afraid to treat yourself to the occasional favorite snack, even if it’s not healthy.
- Try to prepare meals in bulk before you give birth. Healthy, home-cooked meals at the ready will make life easier for you and your partner as you care for your newborn. Just freeze them in individual portions, so all you have to do is heat them up to put dinner on the table.
- If cooking feels within reach, but you just don’t have time to hit the grocery store, a meal delivery kit like Blue Apron might be your best bet. You’ll receive ingredients by mail that are already perfectly measured out, as well as delicious recipes that you can put together quickly.
If all else fails, don’t be afraid to use delivery services a few times a week. Remember, the most important thing is that you are feeding yourself well. How exactly that happens is up to you!
4. Get in Some Physical Activity With a Service Like Glo
Getting in physical movement is important for your well-being post-birth. First and foremost, follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding physical activity. Don’t do more than they recommend, and start out with things that you are comfortable with. This doesn’t have to be anything high-intensity or extreme.
You can do something as simple as a walk around your neighborhood or some light stretching. You can even take your baby with you on a walk or try an online yoga class like Glo during their nap. Find what works for you and stick to it!
5. Check on Your Mental Health With Brightside
In addition to caring for your physical health, you also need to watch over your mental health. Women can experience a lot of different hormones after birth and during breastfeeding, and many suffer from postpartum depression.
Don’t push your mental health to the back of your priority list, and make sure you are talking with someone about any negative or harmful feelings you have after having your baby. You can also talk to your fellow moms about ways to manage mental health after giving birth. Postpartum depression is far more common than you may realize, so talk with your doctor or a therapist like those you’ll find at Brightside to help deal with any depressive feelings you may experience.
6. Easy Self-Care With Pacifica

While face masks, makeup, and bath bombs may be the last thing on your mind while raising a newborn, it’s nice to make yourself feel special when you have the time. There are plenty of ways to do this without a big time investment.
Creating a simple makeup routine using Pacifica’s vegan makeup will help you feel more like yourself on days when you feel off. Pop on a face mask while you are doing chores or breastfeeding to rejuvenate your skin. Doing these little self-care things throughout the week will take you off autopilot and help make you feel more special.
7. Push Presents With Daniel’s Jewelers

The term “push present” describes a gift or treat bestowed upon a new mother after she’s given birth. After all, if your partner just carried this new life for nine months and then went through extreme pain during birth and labor, the least you can do is get her a present! Doing something special for your partner after she gives birth is a nice way to show your appreciation.
Try to find gifts that will remind you of this special time in your lives. A necklace with your baby’s birthstone or initials makes the perfect gift. You can even use credit jewelers through Daniel’s Jewelers to finance your purchase if you want something that is out of your current budget.
Improve Your Wellness as a New Mom
You can take care of yourself as a new mom in many different ways. While much of it will depend on your individual needs and preferences, there are some universal things that we can all do to help us out when we have a new baby. Just remember to be kind to yourself, take some me time, care for your body, and watch out for your mental health. Enjoy the time you have with your baby, and don’t sweat the small stuff. You are going to be just fine!