5 Ways to Prep Your Skin for Your Upcoming Vacation

Published on August 10, 2023

Vacations are often the highlight of your year. You look forward to them for months, then suddenly they’ve crept up on you. Starting off your adventure feeling unprepared can potentially ruin your dream vacation. So as you pack your luggage, don’t neglect yourself in the process. You wouldn’t want to ruin your vacation by falling sick or feeling exhausted.

Pre-trip prep is important for your skin, too, as it can be very sensitive to changes in the environment. So whether you’re off to a sunny beach or a snowy resort, be ready to manage skin issues proactively. Breakouts can spoil your mood — and your Instagram feed. A sunburn or a pesky pimple not only looks bad but can be painful and take time to heal. Here are five tips on how to prepare your skin so it glows when you’re on the go.

1. Plan Ahead

The secret to radiant skin is to take care of it in a timely manner. Acne is notorious for flaring up in hot and humid environments. If you require acne medicine to keep your blemishes under control, begin your treatment well before departure. Your skin may need some time to adjust to certain acne remedies, such as topical retinoids. You’ll want the initial redness and flaking to be long gone before you’re snapping vacation selfies.

Planning to hit the beach? Your swimsuit will look better with a tan. Although tanning beds may have longer-lasting results, self-tanning is a healthier alternative. Using a tanner application mitt can prevent streaks on your skin and stains on your hands. Remember, though, tanning foams are not a substitute for sunscreen. Whatever you do, don’t forget to pack a good sunblock with an SPF of at least 30.

2. Pack Smart

If you’re packing for a sunny adventure, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses will keep you looking and feeling cool. Choose the right sunscreen for your skin type and make sure it’s water-resistant, too. You will be sweating, so you’ll need to amp up your cleansing regimen to keep your skin free of excess oil and dirt. Facial wipes are a lifesaver on a long day, so always keep a pack with you.

Winter adventures require frequent moisturizing to protect your skin from getting dry. Select skincare products with humectants so your skin gets an extra layer of moisture. And don’t think sunscreen is only for the beach — it should be a daily ritual, no matter the weather.

Finally, don’t try new skin products on vacation in case they don’t suit you. An allergic reaction could really put a damper on your vacay. Pack enough of your trusted brands of makeup, moisturizers, and deodorant to last throughout the trip.

3. Practice Timely Hair Removal

Along with skincare products, hair removal treatments are essential for smooth, vacation-ready skin. Whether you shave, wax, or use lasers to remove hair, your skin can get inflamed after the process. Avoid hot showers and use cool compresses if your skin is acting up. It’s best to remove hair at least a few days before your trip so skin irritation has time to calm down.

Post–hair removal exfoliation removes the dead skin cells that can clog pores and hair follicles. This is the best way to reduce the chances of developing annoying ingrown hairs. You can exfoliate using a chemical scrub or a body brush, but either way, be gentle. Follow the label instructions closely, as body scrubs are often harsher than facial scrubs. You want your exfoliation efforts to prevent breakouts, not cause irritation.

4. Protect Yourself From Breakouts

Pre-vacation stress can trigger your acne and cause a breakout. The goal is to keep your skin as clean as possible. Use oil-blotting sheets to dab off excessive oil from your skin during the day. If you’re taking any acne medication, stick to your treatment to avoid flare-ups.

If all these techniques fail and you do end up with a zit, don’t stress about it and make it worse. Try one of the many spot treatments you can get over the counter. No matter how tempting it is, do not squeeze the pimple. Picking at it will just make the blemish bigger and more difficult to get rid of. You touch your face more often than you realize, so keep your hands clean to keep your skin clean.

5. Prevent Skin Dehydration

The No. 1 way to keep your skin healthy on the inside and outside is hydration. Summer vacations can take a toll, as you may be sweating more and drinking less. Boost your water intake a few days before leaving to plump up your skin. This is especially important if you’re taking a long flight where your skin will be exposed to dehydrating cabin air.

Your skin is in no less need of moisture on a winter vacation, which could see your skin cracking due to the cold. Pack a humectant-rich body lotion and a lanolin-containing lip balm to keep painful itchy dryness and cracked lips at bay. Pack a portable humidifier to use in your hotel room; it will put moisture back into the air and into your skin. Lastly, using a hydrating mask at night once or twice during your trip will give your skin the radiant glow you want.

Relax and Recharge While Looking Your Best

Although it’s exciting to plan a fun-filled vacation, doing too much can tire you out. Keep your vacation as stress-free as possible to keep your skin as clear as possible. Let your body relax and recharge before you return to the rigors of your daily routine.

Lifestyle Editor