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5 Ways to Market Your Product or Brand on TikTok

5 engaging, unique, and practical ways to easily market your products or brand on TikTok!

Published on October 21, 2023

TikTok continues to see an exponential amount of growth, and it means that building up your TikTok account is more important than ever if you’re a social media influencer or marketer for a brand or business.

However, getting followers on TikTok is quite challenging, especially if you’ve just decided to start on the social media platform. If you’ve been struggling to get free social followers on TikTok, then this article is for you!

5 Ways To Market Your Brand or Business on TikTok

Now, growing your audience on TikTok organically can be a massive challenge to any business or brand that’s only just now diving into the platform. While brands and businesses generally have a much larger marketing budget than individuals and influences and can throw more money at advertising and gaining followers, getting social followers free on TikTok is still a big challenge, it’s still not easy.

Let’s check out 5 ways to market your brand or business on TikTok.

  1. Define Your Target TikTok Audience

If you take marketing seriously, you already know the importance of defining your target audience and then tailoring your TikTok brand and content for that target audience. It’s no good creating content that doesn’t appeal to those you’re trying to get to follow your brand or TikTok account.

Look at what your target audience is doing. What videos do they like? Which videos do they share, comment, save, or react to and then replicate that content using your brand.

Once you have a clear picture of what your audience wants to see, you’ll be able to create very specific content to target that potential audience.

  1. Consider a TikTok Pro Account

If you’re serious about growing your brand on TikTok, then a TikTok Pro account is one way to do it. Not only do you unlock the ability to add a direct link to your TikTok profile, but you can also unlock a lot of back-end analytics.

With analytical information about how your videos perform, who’s watching them, and how long they’re watching them for, your brand will be able to identify quickly and easily what’s working and what’s not. Once you know what works and what doesn’t, you’ll be better positioned to create content that works.

  1. Don’t Forget TikTok Trends!

Going viral on TikTok or any social media is one way to get your content in front of a lot of potential followers, but going viral in itself isn’t easy. While you may see a substantial bump in your follower numbers, they’re not always the greatest followers to have.

TikTok and other social media platforms are big into trends. Trending topics, music, and videos are very important, and being able to tap into a trend is a great way to get your brand more exposure.

One way to tap into trends on TikTok is to use trending music, and best of all, it’s easy. TikTok will even recommend trending songs for you to use in your videos. Take advantage of them and tap into those trends if you want to see more growth!

  1. Educate Your Potential TikTok Audience

Education and entertainment go hand in hand with any social media platform, and it’s true for TikTok as well. You need to create content that not only educates people and teaches them something they didn’t know but does it in an entertaining way.

No one’s going to watch a 10-minute video about your leak sealer if you’re presenting it as some sort of documentary like you would have watched in school. You need to come up with an entertaining way to educate potential followers which not only gets them to engage with the content but also follow your account in the hopes of seeing more great content.

  1. Use the Right Hashtags on TikTok the Right Way!

Hashtags are important! I can’t stress that enough. Use hashtags, people!

Adding hashtags to your video description allows people that aren’t following you to potentially see your content displayed on their feed which in turn draws them into your account. However, if you were hoping to get a breakdown from TikTok of how many hashtags to use or where to use them, or in what order to post them, it’s not going to happen.

Like many social media platforms, TikTok keeps its algorithm and how it works, including hashtags, very close to its chest. As you can imagine, while it would be nice to have a clear roadmap on how TikTok algorithms work, it’s not likely to happen.

That’s where analytics and understanding them play a huge role in discovering what’s working on any social media platform, including TikTok, comes into effect.

5 Ways to Market Your Product or Brand on TikTok – Conclusion

There you go! 5 great ways to get social followers on TikTok. While it would be nice to see instant results, getting new followers organically on any social media platform, including TikTok, is a long-term goal.

It’s not going to happen overnight, but if you keep persisting, analyzing what’s working and what isn’t, and making the necessary adjustments to your content, you should start to see some success.

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