5 Reasons Why a City Break Is a Great Vacation Option

Published on January 20, 2023

So, you want to go on vacation, but you have a couple of problems, namely time and money. Maybe you’ve already used all your vacation days at work or spent most of the money in your vacation budget, but you still want to get away for a while.

City breaks are a wonderful choice for when you want to travel, but don’t have a lot of time or money. What is a city break? It’s a short holiday (usually 2 or 3 days) spent in a city. Simple, right?

Now you may be thinking, “Cities are expensive. How can I see a whole city in just a few days?” Not to worry, we are here to put those fears to rest with five reasons a city break is a good vacation option for you.

1. Fit in Your Schedule

The number one reason you should consider a city break for your next vacation is that they are easy to fit into your busy schedule. You’ve got a lot going on—work, family, friends, etc. It can be a lot to juggle, especially if you want some time away.

This vacation option works well because you can easily take a weekend (or a couple of days off work if you can) and spend some time in a wonderful city. Many cities don’t need a week to explore. In fact, most are easy to view in two or three days.

Depending on the city you choose and your location, you can go on a Friday and head back home on a Sunday, still having enough time in between to check out all the sites on your itinerary.

2. Tons of Free Things to Do

Many major cities offer a lot of free activities, which makes them perfect for those on a tight budget.

You can go to free museums and attractions, check out free walking tours, take a stroll through parks and past landmarks, and enjoy many other free activities and experiences.

When I was on a study abroad in the UK, one of my favorite things to do was going to the free museums there. I got to learn so much and see so much history without spending a dime. Many cities have museums like the ones I went to, and they have many other free happenings too.

3. Mingle with Local People and Culture

Cities are a great place to go to if you want to meet new people and experience a new culture. Each city has its own unique residents, and they each have unique ways of life. Even cities in the same country can have very different vibes. Anyone who has been to both New York and Los Angeles can confirm that, even though they’re the two largest cities in the US.

Many people who live in cities love to talk to people. For some, that is part of why they live there. Whenever I visit a city, I find myself talking to strangers much more often than I do in my day-to-day life. Chatting with those who live there is a great way to learn more about the place you’re in, and the locals often know the best places to see, especially if you want to go off the beaten path.

4. Dine, Shop, and Enjoy

Due to the nature of cities, they offer so much to do. They have endless different places to eat, shop, or be entertained.

You can ask the locals about the best restaurants and try cuisine that isn’t available in your hometown. One of my favorite things about visiting a city is the variety of food. At home, I find myself going to the same restaurants and eating the same thing every time, but when I visit somewhere else, it is so fun to try new foods!

Similarly, cities have a range of shopping that other places don’t. Often you can find stores for big companies, or you can discover local shops. I love to explore the local bookstores whenever I visit a new place.

Cities provide great entertainment too, whether that is watching a play, seeing a local band, visiting an amusement park, etc. They have so much to see and do!

5. Travel Easy and See the Sights

Because cities are designed for a lot of people, they’re often great at getting people where they need to go, and they offer a lot of flexibility. Public transportation can help you get to many different places in one day.

When I visited Paris, we were able to see Notre Dame, the catacombs, the Eiffel Tower, and the Arc de Triomphe all in one day because we used the metro to get around (and we got some great local cuisine along the way).

Most cities are compact and easy to travel through, which makes them great for when you have a limited amount of time. Every time I’ve been to a city, I’ve been able to see multiple sights or do multiple activities in one day. This makes them perfect for a city break because you won’t feel like you’re missing out on anything.

Final Words

So those are the top five reasons you should consider a city break for your next vacation destination. They can easily fit into your work schedule, so you don’t have to worry about taking time off. They also offer many free opportunities—great for people on a budget. In cities you can interact with people and enjoy the culture. You can find delicious places to eat, wonderful places to shop, and excellent entertainment. Not to mention, you’ll be able to do a lot in one day, so you won’t have to worry about missing out on anything.

What are you waiting for? Start planning your next vacation today!

Lifestyle Editor