The Ritz Herald
2025 Astrological Forecast

2025 Astrological Forecast: Renowned Astrologer Tatiana Borsch Reveals Global Predictions and Insights

Published on October 11, 2024

Tatiana Borsch is an internationally recognized astrologer, prolific author, speaker, and entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience. Known for her accurate predictions and insightful understanding of global trends, Tatiana shares her perspectives on astrology, her journey into this ancient practice, and her forecasts for the upcoming years. With the release of her new series of books, “Complete Horoscope 2025,” Tatiana offers readers an in-depth look at what the future may hold.

Q: Tatiana, thank you for speaking with us. To start, could you tell us how you first became interested in astrology? What resonated with you the most about this field?

Absolutely, it’s a pleasure to share my story. My journey into astrology began over 30 years ago. At the time, I was a professional musician, teaching piano to gifted children—a career I absolutely adored. One day, I stumbled upon a book about astrology, and it turned my world upside down. This was during the era of the USSR when astrology was forbidden, and such books were often circulated unofficially, typed out on ordinary typewriters.

What struck me most about astrology was its unique blend of intuition, logic, and mathematics. It’s not just mystical musings; it’s a science in its own right. The accuracy of astrology, compared to other predictive practices, is astounding. Horoscopes are compiled using precise mathematical formulas and calculations, all based on astronomical techniques. Reading one correctly requires deep knowledge of astrology, math, logic, and a certain degree of intuition and life experience. It’s like decoding a complex puzzle where every piece fits perfectly if you understand how to interpret it.

I view astrology as a profound science rather than a mystical practice. It’s a discipline that demands continuous study because each person is unique, and their birth chart is like a new book waiting to be read. My approach is holistic; I believe astrology can offer much more than just predictions. It provides insights into the reasons behind events, helping people understand the essence of their experiences.

Astrology teaches us to look at the bigger picture and understand the laws of existence. Even basic knowledge, like the phases of the Moon or the influence of retrograde planets, can help individuals align their plans with cosmic energies. Throughout history, educated people have been familiar with astrology to varying degrees. Great minds like Plato, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein all admired astrology. It helps in self-development by offering a different perspective on life and guiding individuals toward their true potential.

Tatiana Borsch

Tatiana Borsch

Q: You’ve recently released your new series of books, “Complete Horoscope 2025.” Could you share some highlights from these books and what readers can expect in the coming year?

Certainly! “Complete Horoscope 2025” is a series that includes one comprehensive book covering all zodiac signs and 12 individual books dedicated to each sign. In this series, readers can find out in detail what awaits them in the spheres of work and business, personal life, money, and health.

This series has been published annually since 1992 in Russia, where it is a bestseller in this genre, and many people eagerly anticipate each new release. I know this because I receive letters and calls from my regular readers. Since 2019, it has been published for the English-speaking audience and is already finding its readers.

As for 2025, I believe it will continue the challenging period that began in 2020 with the onset of the Age of Aquarius. It’s important to note that since 2020, each year has brought new, sometimes revolutionary changes in life—cataclysms, crises, and conflicts—all happening due to this significant transition of epochs.

The year can be roughly divided into two distinct phases. The first half of 2025 (until spring) is marked by instability, struggles, and crises—both economically and politically. We might witness significant conflicts between outdated systems and new, revolutionary trends.

However, the second half of the year promises a shift toward positivity and stability. Many problems will gradually be resolved, the economy will begin to recover, and political issues will start to be addressed. It’s a period of transformation, and while change can be uncomfortable, it often leads to growth and improvement.

I also release a general forecast alongside the books, available on my website and platforms like If readers are interested in more detailed forecasts, I invite them to visit my website. In this forecast, I provide my vision of world events in 2025 in politics, economy, social and cultural life, climate, fashion, and more.

Q: In your forecasts, you’ve often touched on global political events. Could you share your insights on what might unfold in the United States and other parts of the world in 2025?

Of course. The United States, according to my readings, will continue to face internal divisions. This is an ongoing process that will become more evident after the 2024 presidential elections—the elections and events that occur afterward may become a starting point for political upheavals in the country. Regardless of the result, social division in society is expected to increase.

The 2024 presidential election appears to be extremely challenging. As I predicted last year, these elections will be unprecedented—we have already seen two attempts on Donald Trump’s life, and further events will only intensify the political struggle. Based on the astrological indicators, I believe that Donald Trump has a strong chance of winning the election. His horoscope appears stronger during this period. However, it’s important to note that the election period will be challenging for him as well, with many unexpected events and possible obstacles.

Globally, countries like China and India are poised for significant developments. China may continue to grow as an economic leader, increasing its influence on global processes. India is set for a year of restructuring, with measures to optimize the economy and significant strides in addressing issues like poverty.

The European Union will be navigating through economic and political problems—this concerns Germany and France in particular. There’s a weakening influence of the European administration in Brussels and a growing popularity of ideas and politicians advocating for limiting its policies among Europeans.

Q: You’ve previously written that the war in Ukraine might conclude with Russia defending its interests and gaining new territories. Given that the conflict is ongoing, could you share your current perspective on this situation?

Like everyone, I sincerely hope for a swift end to the war and the restoration of peace. Based on my astrological readings, I believe that Russia will ultimately manage to defend its interests and may gain additional territories. The active phase of the war might conclude in 2025, although negotiations and political adjustments could continue beyond that. It’s a complex and sensitive issue, and my heart goes out to all affected by the conflict.

Q: Reflecting on your previous forecasts, could you highlight some predictions that came true and how they unfolded?

Certainly. In my 2020 forecast, I emphasized that the year would be defining for humanity, representing a reckoning with the past and the establishment of a new order. I mentioned that the second half of 2020 would be particularly turbulent, with old economic and political systems breaking down. While I couldn’t specify that a global pandemic would be the catalyst, the COVID-19 crisis indeed led to unprecedented global upheaval, affecting economies, politics, and personal lives worldwide.

In my 2022 predictions, I highlighted escalating tensions in Ukraine, stating that military activity in the eastern territories would continue and could end poorly for Kyiv. Unfortunately, the conflict intensified beyond what many anticipated. I also mentioned that international relations would become more challenging, with warmongering rhetoric and potential clashes in hotspots around the globe—a trend we’ve observed in various regions.

In my 2024 forecast, I also predicted an escalation in the Middle East. As we see now, the confrontation between various nations has reached a new level, and unfortunately, I can say that the situation may get worse before it gets better. The end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 will be very indicative in this regard.

Of course, I cannot say that all my predictions come true 100%—everyone involved with forecasting the future can make mistakes. Look at economic forecasts by stock analysts, for example. Astrology is a complex science, and while it offers profound insights, it’s not infallible. There have been times when my predictions didn’t align with the actual outcomes. For instance, in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, I thought Donald Trump might win based on his stronger horoscope compared to Joe Biden’s. However, the result was different.

When such discrepancies occur, I see them as opportunities to deepen my understanding. It’s important to remember that astrologers, like professionals in any field, can make mistakes. The key is to learn from them and refine our methods. Astrology isn’t about absolute certainty but about providing guidance based on cosmic patterns.

Q: Could you share what it’s like to be someone who predicts the future as part of your daily routine? How does this affect your personal life and worldview?

That’s a very interesting question. In fact, some time ago I released the book “An Astrologer’s Notes,” which describes my experiences when I was just starting to work as an astrologer and highlights the most memorable cases in my practice. Predicting the future daily is both a profound responsibility and a privilege. It requires a deep connection with cosmic rhythms and an understanding of how they manifest in our world.

To work as an astrologer, it’s crucial to understand life, to be a well-rounded and experienced person. While the movements of planets are visible to all and data on celestial movements are now accessible to everyone, not everyone can correctly explain and predict life events. This requires not only knowledge of astrology but also rich life experience, which I gain from all possible sources—my own life and the lives of those close to me, literature, and of course, the rich experience of communicating with my clients.

On a personal level, being an astrologer teaches me humility and empathy. I interact with people from all walks of life, each with their own stories and challenges. This work reinforces the interconnectedness of all things and reminds me that we’re all part of a larger tapestry.

However, it also means constantly balancing the knowledge of potential future events with the present moment. I strive to use my insights to guide and support others, helping them navigate their paths with greater awareness and confidence.

Q: You’ve talked about the Age of Aquarius and its impact on humanity. How do you see this new era influencing our collective future?

The transition to the Age of Aquarius signifies a significant shift in values and how individuals relate to one another. The motto of this epoch is Equality, Happiness, and Brotherhood for everyone on the planet. It’s an era that emphasizes the triumph of thought and spirit over material wealth. The Age of Aquarius brings bold, direct, creative, and joyful energy.

We are already witnessing turbulent global developments, civilization crises, and revolutions in the economy and culture. These changes can be challenging, but they are necessary for growth. Developments like artificial intelligence are manifestations of Aquarius energy—representing innovation and a new way of thinking. Similarly, breakthroughs in space exploration reflect our expanding horizons and quest for knowledge beyond our planet. I believe that as we move deeper into this new age, people will prioritize spiritual development and recognize the intrinsic value in each individual.

Q: Lastly, do you have any personal practices or philosophies that guide you in your daily life and work?

Yes, meaningful work is incredibly important to me. I believe in God, and I see spirituality as a unifying force rather than something that divides us by religion. I practice yoga and meditation daily, which strengthens my body, mind, and soul. I also pay attention to lunar cycles, making plans during the new moon and reflecting on them during the full moon.

One of my little rituals is showing my money to the new moon as an appeal for financial success. It’s a simple act, but it helps me stay connected to the rhythms of the universe. Overall, I strive to live in harmony with cosmic energies, continually learning and growing both personally and professionally.

Q: Thank you for sharing your insights, Tatiana. Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know?

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share. I’d like to encourage everyone to remain open-minded and embrace the changes that are unfolding. While the times ahead may be challenging, they are also filled with opportunities for growth and transformation. Astrology offers a unique lens through which we can understand these shifts and navigate our paths with greater awareness.

For those interested, the “Complete Horoscope 2025” series provides a more detailed forecast for each zodiac sign, and I hope it serves as a helpful guide for the year ahead. Remember, forewarned is forearmed. Wishing everyone resilience, wisdom, and joy in the journey ahead.

Lifestyle Editor