The Ritz Herald
© When We All Vote

100 Days from Election Day, Michelle Obama Calls on Americans to Get Registered and Ready to Vote

When We All Vote Announces that it has Registered Over 100,000 Eligible Voters and Calls on Volunteers to Join our Efforts and Week of Action To Register More!

Published on July 26, 2020

Today, 100 days from the General Election, When We All Vote released a video message from Michelle Obama calling on all eligible voters to get registered, organized and take action with When We All Vote. In the video message, Mrs. Obama announced that When We All Vote is launching a Week of Action from September 20th to 27th to mobilize a national network of volunteers around voter registration and turnout. When We All Vote has registered more than 100,000 people to vote, and set a goal to register over 100,000 more in the lead up to the General Election.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, nationwide there has been a dip in voter registration and When We All Vote is working diligently to help fill the gap as a digitally focused organization. When We All Vote is meeting eligible voters where they are through virtual events, digital grassroots organizing and strong community and corporate partnerships. The results of this work include:

  • More than 100,000 people registered to vote;
  • Over one million eligible voters reached through successful digital events, including the #CouchParty with DJ D-Nice, virtual prom with MTV to celebrate the Class of 2020 and the virtual Roots Picnic;
  • More than 20,000 people trained to be Voting Squad Captains;
  • More than 8,000 students and educators signed up for the My School Votes program, and 700 students trained as ambassadors; and
  • Over 250 organizations are When We All Vote partners focused on increasing participation and turnout in November, including The Links, Incorporated, Children’s Defense Fund and National Urban League.

Everyone can register to vote, and everyone can sign up to help get their community registered now and during the Week of Action in September today at Watch Mrs. Obama’s full video message on The Ritz Herald. A full transcript of her remarks is included below.


Hey everybody!

It’s official — we are just 100 days out from the 2020 election!

And with everything that’s been going on this year, this election could not be more important for the future of our country.

So all that good work you’ve been doing—all the outreach… the voter registration parties… the efforts to make sure no American has to choose between their health or their vote on Election Day—that work is more important than ever before.

Because every American deserves to have their voice heard at the ballot box… every American deserves to have a say in the future of this country we all love.

So keep that foot on the gas!

First, let’s make sure everyone we know is registered and ready to vote come November.

Then, take it a step further by signing up at to participate in our Week of Action this September.

That’s when we’ll be activating our nationwide network of volunteers to get engaged and get more people registered to vote than ever before.

I hope you’ll join us. We’ve only got 100 days left… and we’ve got to direct every ounce of energy we have into making sure everyone we know understands the importance of their voice and their vote.

I know that you all understand that… let’s make sure that everyone in our communities does, too.

Thanks again everybody—now let’s get this done.

Newsdesk Editor